Welcome! A whole new look with a range of benefits

We are so excited to introduce you to the updated Our Daily Bread University experience. If change worries you, we hope we can provide you with many opportunities to explore and enjoy the new layout.
If you don’t have a Premium account, you’ll find most of what you need by clicking on the Free button from the home page (or just clicking here).
For Premium subscribers (or those considering it), we have many upgrades for you.
- You can login to your account from the home page or from the “Sign In” button at the top right of your screen on your desktop or below the “Take a Tour” button on mobile.
- And now, no more searching for it! When you sign in, your home page will include your dashboard.
- We have “Take a Tour” options on various pages (particularly helpful on your home page once you have signed in) to help guide you around the new layout.
- To your left on any page, you’ll see a series of icons (on Mobile, this will show as the three stacked lines in the left corner). This is your Menu bar. If you click the top icon (or the three stacked lines), you can open the menu up or, on your computer, you can hover over each icon to find out what they are.
- We have relaunched Learning Paths. Hundreds of you have participated in this before, and now we’ve added some new tracks to aid you on your journey to meet your learning goals.
- You can now learn with others in the new Learning Groups. This provides a place where you can connect with fellow learners around a topic of interest.
- This Blog will be a way to stay updated on new courses that launch or other resources to aid in your learning journey.
- Chat, phone, and email are still the best options to get your immediate questions answered, but when you’re signed into your Premium account, you also are welcome to give your thoughts or provide stories from your own experience in the comment sections of these blog posts. We’d love to hear from you!
- Wherever you are on ODBU.org, if you want to get back to your home page, just click the Our Daily Bread Ministries logo near the left corner of the site.
Have you explored these changes? What are you most excited about?