Bible as Literature – Our Daily Bread University

Bible as Literature

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

What story have you heard that you mistook for a real event?

Context and formatting help us to distinguish between poetry, history, fiction, law, and other forms of literature. 

Dr. Leland Ryken believes this distinction also helps us in interpreting the Bible. A pioneer in this movement, he has allowed us access to some of his resources. This now has been made available to you. 

You’ll read about 

  • Biblical Poetry 
  • Characterization in Bible Stories
  • Fact and Fiction about the Poetry of the Bible
  • Hero Stories in the Bible 
  • How Bible Stories Work
  • How Poems in the Bible Work
  • Why We Need to Read and Interpret the Bible as Literature
  • And much more

How may this open up ways for you to better share God’s truths more clearly to those you love?

Access these resources here.