Journey through Acts and Paul’s Letters – Our Daily Bread University

Journey through Acts and Paul’s Letters

Paul's letters

Are you hungry to go deeper into the theological and practical teachings of the early church?

Do you want to better understand the letters of Paul against the backdrop of Greek and Roman culture?

Join Bible Journey’s new Act’s and Paul’s Epistles learning path for an in-depth study of the Acts of the Apostles and 13 letters of Paul.

In these eight courses you will learn:

  • How the apostles spread the gospel beyond Jerusalem.
  • That the book of Galatians provides an introduction to some of Paul’s most common themes.
  • The vision Paul casts for the church in 1 & 2 Thessalonians.
  • What Paul has to say to the contemporary church through his teachings to the church in 1 & 2 Corinthians.
  • Paul’s cosmic summation of his theology in the book of Romans.
  • How being in prison influenced Paul’s theology and teaching.
  • What the pastoral epistles 1&2 Timothy and Titus reveal about Paul’s heart as a church planter.

You will gain a new appreciation for the genius of Paul and the faithfulness of God who uses the least likely people to spread the gospel!