A Word of Thanks for ODBU’s Founder, Evan Morgan – Our Daily Bread University

A Word of Thanks for ODBU’s Founder, Evan Morgan

“But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.” Matthew 13:23


In 1994 Evan Morgan felt a holy discontent. As the CFO of a leading seminary, he saw the crippling debt that seminary students carried in order to study God’s Word and prepare for ministry. Evan recognized the opportunity to use technology as a solution. 

He first began by developing Bible study courses on CD-ROM! In 1998, he founded Christian University Global Net, which later merged with RBC Ministries (now Our Daily Bread Ministries), to develop free and low-cost online courses by some of the country’s best seminary faculty. You might have seen his blog post from July 2023 when he shared his original vision for what would become Our Daily Bread University.

Thirty years after Evan followed the prompting of the Holy Spirit to provide accessible, affordable, Biblically-based online education, ODBU now has an impressive catalog of over 260 courses with over 70,000 active monthly users from over 200 countries! 

On behalf of those who have worked with Evan over the years, and those learners around the globe who have borne fruit from the seeds he has planted, I offer our deepest appreciation for his faithful leadership. We wish Evan and his wife, Elisa, blessings as God continues to use them in the future, at Our Daily Bread Ministries and beyond!

Cindy Wheatley, Ph.D.

Director of Online Learning, Our Daily Bread University