Spiritual and Ethical Formation: Theology and Practice

In this course Richard Averbeck and James Grier address many spiritual questions in order to lay a biblical, theological foundation for proper Christian thought.


Spiritual and ethical formation is a topic of discussion in many circles. We all long for intimacy with God, but how is spiritual growth and maturity developed? What are the dynamics in which God most often works in the heart of believers to make them like his Son, Jesus Christ? In this seminar, Richard Averbeck and James Grier address these and other questions in order to lay a biblical, theological foundation for proper Christian thought. In addition, they identify and describe specific practices that the listener can apply immediately to his/her life of faith.

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Study Guide
  1. Understand the biblical foundations for spiritual and ethical formation.
  2. Evaluate his/her life for areas to become more intentional and open to the work of the Spirit.
  3. Analyze the ways individuals make decisions in order to identify habits and values that are contrary to the moral will of God.
  4. Think critically about how to approach life in light of the biblical foundations for spiritual and ethical formation.
  5. Apply the three dimensions of Christian spiritual formation to his/her life of faith.
  6. Apply a biblical model for decision-making that will enhance his/her moral and spiritual formation.
  7. Value both spiritual and ethical formation as important aspects of the Christian life (both individual and corporate).
  • This course is very eye opening. Gives me a lot to contemplate about the Kingdom of God. Excellent information about the Holy Spirit and how to work it into my life better.

    — Laurie, United States
  • I personally found the other lectures/courses on the Formation pathway more accessible, more engaging, more thought-provoking.

    — Elena, United Kingdom
  • I struggled to follow the lecture without any visuals (video, ppt slides, or the written text being broken into sections with headings, etc.) so there was quite a bit of an information overload for me.

    — Elena, United Kingdom
  • I am satisfied with the course and its content.

    — Carrie, United States
  • Overall, this was one of the best lessons, because it opened up new, but some familiar knowledge for me. Thank you!

    — Valerie, United States
  • I enjoyed the content covered.

    — Alice, United States
  • This course was a lot more than I anticipated, in certain areas I was confused but most of it I found to be awesome!!! Thank You!!!!

    — Dennis, United States
  • Another very interesting course

    — Terry, United States

Course Content

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Lesson One
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Lesson Five
Lesson Six
Lesson Seven
Lesson Eight
Lesson Nine
Lesson Ten
Lesson Eleven
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0% Complete 0/1 Steps
Lesson Twelve
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0% Complete 0/1 Steps
Course Wrap-Up
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0% Complete 0/2 Steps
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Course Details

  • Medium Effort
  • 12 Lessons
  • 44 Min Average
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Audios Transcripts

Richard E. Averbeck, PhD

Course Provider


Course content is provided courtesy of Institute of Theological Studies (ITS).