Christian Learning Center › Forums › Discussion Forum › Explain how each of the following New Covenant provisions can contribute to the relief of the holy tension in our souls: New Purity, New Identity. New Inclination, and New Power.
Tagged: CC203-05
Explain how each of the following New Covenant provisions can contribute to the relief of the holy tension in our souls: New Purity, New Identity. New Inclination, and New Power.
Posted by Deleted User on 02/25/2021 at 11:44Deleted User replied 4 months ago 31 Members · 30 Replies -
30 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User10/23/2024 at 08:17New purity: the power of Jesus’ blood has given us a radical acceptance with God that transcends performance
New identity: New creatures in Christ. The old (sinner) has gone, the new (saint) has come
New inclination: We long to do God’s will in our deepest heart
New power: the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us…giving life to our mortal bodies
Deleted User
Deleted User09/08/2024 at 14:46New purity: imputed purity and forgiveness from perfect work of Jesus. I become sinner saved by grace not by my own efforts. Such a ggreat treasure and that creates a desire in me to respond with love and surrender so I can live to reflect hos glory.
New identity: marked by unconditional love and unimaginable compared to any human love. Now a saint who can sin but always loved.
New inclination: The work of the indwelling holy spirit does a continual work of changing my desires to those that please God.
New power,: constantly have the Holy spirit at work within to empower me to live righteously.
Deleted User
Deleted User07/29/2024 at 13:07New purity reminds us that we have acceptance before God. That this is a free gift from Him and we need to “do” anything except, accept His gift, it is a radical thing we need to grab a hold of and cherish. In our New Identity, we are now children of the Most High God, we may still struggle with sin, but He calls us His children dearly beloved, and His love within us will strengthen our weak knees and cause us to let HIM do the work of regeneration in us. Our New Inclination then springs from this new identity, as we “want what He wants” and as our desires change for His goodness and not our own selfish desires. We are “inclined” toward His heart and it changes us! And finally and most exciting, is the New Power that he freely gives to enable us to live this life to the full, by HIS power, not our own. Such very good news.
Deleted User
Deleted User03/10/2024 at 19:01New Purity – Because I’m a believer and Christ died for me, I am forgiven and God sees me through Christ’s righteousness.
New Identity – My new and core identity is a Christian because Christ died for me and paid for my sins. I am His child.
New Inclination – Because of my new purity and identity my appetite has changed. I desire new things.
New Power – Because Christ left the Holy Spirit behind, I have His power within me.
Deleted User
Deleted User11/15/2023 at 12:01New Purity gives relief of the holy tension in our souls because of the radical power of the blood of Jesus, which is a gift bringing me into forgiveness and acceptance before our Heavenly Father.
New Identity gives relief because I am now defined as a Christian. As Dr. Crabb describes it, “My soul is defined by His Love.”
New Inclination gives relief because I now have a new appetite, which is drawn toward my Heavenly Father. I am drawn to do what the Lord desires of me and less drawn to do otherwise.
New Power gives relief because now the Spirit of God now lives in me.