Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum What are some similarities and differences between Jesus and the Buddha?


  • What are some similarities and differences between Jesus and the Buddha?

    Posted by Deleted User on 06/06/2022 at 16:14
    Deleted User replied 7 months, 2 weeks ago 11 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/12/2024 at 12:54

    Both are founders of a religion whose lives are recorded in sacred Scriptures. They both exhibit compassion and emphasize peace and morality. Both have gathered followers as they lived and over time.

    However, the accounts of Jesus were written within decades of his life, crucifixion, and resurrection. The accounts of Buddha were far removed from history, being written centuries after his life on earth.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/08/2024 at 05:43

    Both are historical founders of major religions. Both showed compassion and gathered followers to themselves. Both emphasize the pursuit of peace. Both taught moral laws about love and respect.

    However, Buddhism has a large body of texts which are about 400-500 years removed from the life of the Buddha, while the gospels about Jesus, as well as the epistles, were written just decades after the life of Jesus. Miracles are not central to the message of Buddhism, but miracles are central to Christianity.


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    03/30/2024 at 18:16

    The similarities and differences between Jesus and Buddha are that they both world-historical founders of major religions. They both exhibited profound compassion and gathered followers. They both emphasized the need to find enduring peace with yourself and others. They both taught ethical teachings on love and respect, the “Golden Rule.” The differences are that in Buddha miracles are not centural to the message of Buddha. The Four Gospels in the New Testament are written by eyewittnesses or those who consulted with them. Miracles are central to the message of Jesus.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/09/2024 at 15:10

    They both were given a divine status among their people, Jesus said he was the son of God, Buddha never did.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    01/27/2024 at 01:05


    Both world historical founders of a major religion.

    There are images of Jesus and Buddha all round the world.

    People venerate Buddha and worship Jesus all round the world.

    Both exhibited profound compassion and gathered followers to themselves.

    Both are recorded in sacred scriptures.

    Both emphasise the need to find enduring peace within oneself and with others.

    Both taught some basic moral teaching about love and respect.


    Buddhism has a very large body of texts which appear four or five hundred years after the life of the man called Buddha. With Jesus we have documents written just a few decades after the life of Jesus. With Jesus there are multiple authors and the texts which are well preserved over time.

    With Buddha miracles are not central to the message of Buddha while miracles are essential to Christianity. Jesus also raised people from the dead, a wonder-working prophet and teacher; he was raised from the dead.

    Buddhism embraces nirvana , a sniffing out of the personality by ceasing to crave anything. Suffering due to craving and ignorance. With Jesus these deep yearnings and longings for fulfilment and love and the deepest level can be fulfilled and satisfied through Jesus and His church.

    With Buddhism you come back in another life but they don’t believe in the idea of a unified self that exists and then can exist in another lifetime. They believe we are a collection of parts. With Jesus with have eternal life with Jesus.

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