Kings and Chronicles, Part 2: Seeds of Hope

Before we’re through you’ll have a chance to look at this history through two lenses, one provided by the books of Kings and the other by the books of Chronicles. You’ll discover how they differ and why.

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Although we aren’t at the end of the Old Testament yet, we will make our way through most of the remaining Old Testament history in this module. The unexpected fall of the Northern Kingdom. The even more unexpected fall of the Southern Kingdom—especially after two historic revivals.

Before we’re through you’ll have a chance to look at this history through two lenses, one provided by the books of Kings and the other by the books of Chronicles. You’ll discover how they differ and why.

If this is your first course in the Bible Journey curriculum, you must first visit the Journey Prep page to understand the background, history, and terminology we will use in the courses.

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  • Medium Effort
  • 5 Lessons
  • 2 Min Average
  • Course Award

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Tim Laniak, ThD

Course Provider

Bible Journey

Course content is provided courtesy of Bible Journey.