The Good Shepherd: Enriching Resources for Study and Reflection

“The Lord is my shepherd…” is a familiar and comforting verse from one of the most popular psalms. But what does it mean to call God our Shepherd?
We have some enriching resources that will help you dive deeper into one of the most common metaphors used for God in the Bible.
- Check out these episodes from the Discover the Word podcast in which Dr. Tim Laniak explains what shepherding in the Middle East entails and how these practices help us to understand key passages of Scripture such as Psalm 23, Jeremiah 3:15, Ezekiel 34, and John 10:2-16.
- In this short video from Bible Journey you can imagine standing in the Shepherds’ Fields of Bethlehem where David would have tended his flock and the shepherds would have witnessed the heavenly host.
- And if you want to go even deeper, enroll in Dr. Laniak’s course Shepherd Leadership where you can learn to apply biblical wisdom from shepherding to your own life.
- You can also purchase Dr. Laniak’s book The Good Shepherd to access 40 devotions designed to illuminate the principles of shepherd leadership in scripture and ministry.
We trust that these engaging resources will enrich your life with the Good Shepherd and his flock!