Leadership and Spiritual Formation of Offenders

The purpose of this course is to help those involved in correctional ministry build their leadership, be effective witnesses, and disciple others toward Christ.


This course is designed for those involved in correctional ministry seeking to develop personal leadership, be effective witnesses and disciple other believers toward maturity in Christ. Spiritual formation theology, process, and spiritual disciplines will be explored.

  1. Integrate Christian leadership principles to personal life and correctional ministry.
  2. Commit to an ongoing life of personal growth in Christ as the foundation of effective ministry.
  3. Explain the relationship between faith and crime.
  4. Increase his or her passion and confidence in sharing his or her own faith and discipling the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated.
  5. Design witnessing and discipleship strategies for justice-involved people.
  6. Create learning experiences that help others encounter the person of God and the truths of His Word.
  7. Differentiate and respect the diversity of spiritual growth paths.
  • Every week I had an aha moment for either my ministry, or the deep personal transformation this course has brought to the surface.

    — Anonymous, United States
  • Readily applicable concepts. Easy to grasp and employ. True daily ministry rubber meets the road strategies.

    — Anonymous, United States
  • I like all the variety of new information that is represented, and the scope that is covered. I especially like the emphasis on us making sure of our own spiritual formation before we began helping others. The 7 habits and the spiritual disciplines we studies are so valuable and useful and give us a basis to work from as we focus on serving the people we work with.

    — Anonymous, United States
  • I believe everyone in jail ministry should go through this course.

    — Anonymous, United States
  • It helped me spiritually grow as the topics were relevant for the season of life I'm in now and to help others as well for their spiritual formation.

    — Anonymous, United States
  • I found the reading very inspiring. The information was very helpful and enlightening.

    — Anonymous, United States
  • This course has given me new insight regarding Spiritual Formation, discipleship, leadership skills, and how to work effectively with the incarcerated population while bringing them into a more relevant relationship with the Lord.

    — Anonymous, United States
  • This is a well organized, pertinent series of courses that have been life changing for me. They have deepened my relationship with the Lord as well.

    — Anonymous, United States
  • Easy to navigate through the curriculum. The various components (lectures, quizzes, discussion questions, blogs, readings) keep the coursework content differentiated, meaningful, and do-able.

    — Anonymous, United States
  • Thanks for your time, expertise and labor in making these courses very valuable.

    — Anonymous, United States
  • The content is relevant. It makes me stop and think, not just a bunch of fluff.

    — Anonymous, United States
  • The material presented is very practical for ministering to the incarcerated as well as for the ministry in general.

    — Anonymous, United States
  • The structure, the content, the professor, all excellent. As a result of this course I have grown academically and spiritually and I am excited at the thought of moving on to prison ministry.

    — Anonymous, United States
  • Dr. Karen Swanson has provided excellent research and teaching on the dimensions and dynamics of Leadership and Spiritual Formation.

    — Anonymous, United States
  • The curriculum was excellent and very relevant. The transcript of the lectures is ideal for students who have a busy schedule and are not able to listen to lectures.

    — Anonymous, United States

Course Content

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Lesson Eleven
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Lesson Twelve
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Lesson Thirteen
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Lesson Fourteen
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Lesson Fifteen
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Lesson Sixteen
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Lesson Seventeen
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Lesson Eighteen
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Lesson Nineteen
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Lesson Twenty
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Lesson Twenty-One
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Lesson Twenty-Three
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Lesson Twenty-Four
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Course Wrap-Up
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Leader Level
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Course Details

  • High Effort
  • 24 Lessons
  • 19 Min Average
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Videos Audios Transcripts Outlines Discussion Questions

Karen Swanson, EdD


Chaplain R. Steve Lowe


Dr. Byron Johnson