Jesus and the Gospels

Explore the Gospels through the lens of Israel's story and Jesus' Jewish background.


What is a gospel? Who is God? What is the kingdom of God? What do the Gospels tell us about who Jesus is and how He wants us to live? In this course, you will investigate answers to these questions and more, as you explore the Gospels in the context of Israel’s story and Jesus’ Jewish world.


Course Workbook
  • Explain what the Gospels are and what they tell us about Jesus.
  • Gain a better understanding of both the Old Testament and the Jewish world in which Jesus lived to better understand Jesus and the Gospels.
  • Grasp the truths of the Gospels through a better understanding of who God is and what the kingdom of God is.
  • Describe Jesus’ ethics.
  • Examine Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and His parables more closely.
  • Explain the significance of the signs and “I am” statements in John’s gospel.
  • Explain why the resurrection is central to the gospel message.
  • Generally, a good introductory course which at times challenges your previous views of the Gospels. Initially the first two lessons appear to be pegged at basic instead of intermediate level, but as I progress, the content goes deeper. At times, I am challenged to interpret things in a new way. I'm only a bit disappointed that only six people have signed up for this course, and out of them, I am the only one who posts answers to the discussion questions! It's been quite a lonely course without the interaction of lecturer or peer students.

    — Leong, Singapore

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Lesson Two
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Lesson Three
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Lesson Four
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Lesson Five
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Lesson Six
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Lesson Seven
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Lesson Eight
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Lesson Nine
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Course Wrap-Up
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Course Details

  • Medium Effort
  • 9 Lessons
  • 11 Min Average
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Videos Discussion Questions

Scot McKnight, PhD

Course Provider

Seminary Now

Course content is provided courtesy of Seminary Now.