Paul’s Prison Epistles

As Christians, we face a variety of challenges to our faith. In this course, we will examine four of the epistles written by Paul from prison.


This course offers an analysis of four of the epistles that Paul wrote from prison (Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon, and Philippians). As Christians we face many challenges to our faith. False teachings and worldviews assault our loyalty to Christ. Suffering tempts us to think that God is not in control, or that He does have our best interests at heart. And our relationships with other believers are often strained to the point that we doubt the value of the church. But Paul responded to these types of difficulties in his letters from prison.

  1. Demonstrate a growing interest in the kingdom of God and in the epistles studied in this course.
  2. Understand key information about the life and ministry of Paul, the background of his epistles to the Colossians, the Ephesians, Philemon, and the Philippians, and understand the key emphasis of Paul’s theology.
  3. Express his/her own responses and opinions regarding theological writings, Bible passages, and contemporary videos, demonstrating how this course has affected his/her own life.
  • Worth the Subscription

    — Rodney, United States
  • I found this course to be very informative and spiritually encouraging.

    — Lee, United States
  • Some of the test questions were kind of hard to decipher to choose the correct answer; it's a great course.

    — Evette, United States
  • It was good.

    — Denise, United States
  • Excellent course. I very much enjoyed the course.

    — Horace, United States
  • Excellent course. Having completed this course I have a greater understanding of Paul and his teachings. I believe I am in a better position to minister to my local Church fellowship.

    — Courtney, United States
  • Very good survey. Hope to see a course on the false religions fought against in Scripture soon

    — Donald, United States
  • I thank God the material are very good and not too complicate I am able to understand

    — Marie, United States

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Lesson Five
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Course Details

  • High Effort
  • 5 Lessons
  • 85 Min Average
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Videos Audios Transcripts Outlines

Reggie M. Kidd, PhD

Course Provider

Third Millennium

Course content is provided courtesy of Third Millennium Ministries.