New Testament Survey I: The Gospels/The Life of Christ

A chronological and synthetic study of Christ's birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension is provided in this course.


In this course, students complete a chronological and synthetic study of the Gospels’ accounts of Christ’s birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension. The course focuses on the time, place, circumstances, and people involved in the events of our Lord’s ministry. From the incarnation to the ascension, students will grasp a fuller understanding of Christ’s words and works in light of Old Testament prophecy and cultural context.

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Study Guide
  1. Trace the events and statements involved in Jesus’ life in a logical and chronological sequence, demonstrating their development and purpose.
  2. Discern the significance of many of the words and works of Jesus Christ.
  3. Explain the implications for our lives of certain basic truths taught and demonstrated by Jesus Christ during His ministry on earth.
  4. Articulate to others the importance of Jesus’ life, work, and teaching.
  5. Assess your life in the light of new understanding of what Jesus requires of His followers.
  6. Identify at least two attitudinal and/or behavioral changes made or mandated in your personal life as a result of increased understanding of the life and work of Jesus Christ.
  • The online courses are easy to maneuver and explained in simple terms.

    — Martha, United States
  • This was an excellent course! I highly recommend this course to others who want a deeper understanding of the Gospels.

    — Sara, United States
  • Worth the Subscription

    — Rodney, United States
  • My biggest problem with this course is the fact that I really don't agree with certain interpretations of the scriptures, and often they were taken out of context. The quizzes were very challenging and confusing, and even a pastor could not pass them without taking them multiple times. I did learn new things from this course, but I'm skeptical as to whether or not they are theologically sound due to the professor's teaching background and his many grand leaps of logic when he interpreted passages of scripture.  

    — Sarah, Canada
  • This was a great course to cover the more important points of the New Testament!

    — Evelyn, United States
  • The information shared proved very helpful in my understanding of the events in the new testament leading to Christ Crucifixion and Resurrection

    — Kenneth, United States
  • Excellent lecture presentation and content! The quiz question were confusing at times.

    — William, United States
  • Dr. Hulbert's survey of the four gospels really helped each of the gospels come alive. I now have a much better understanding of what Christ did for us, the disciples, the Jewish people, and the time in which they lived. Thank you to ODBU for making this wonderful lecture series available!

    — Anna, United States
  • The teacher gave understanding to the Word with wisdom and respect.

    — Patricia, United States
  • I am quite familiar with the Gospel record but the course highlighted several things that I was not aware of and that I hadn't thought about. A very good background to the subject.

    — Iain, United Kingdom
  • I really enjoyed this course.

    — James, United States
  • Interesting and insightful revelations. The course encourages you to go back to the scriptures to study them for yourself and see them with the eyes of the people of that day as well as our day.

    — Kics, Rwanda
  • The material in this course was exceptional and very helpful. I thoroughly enjoyed this course.

    — Emily, United States
  • This course was excellent! I really enjoyed it and look forward to doing more courses.

    — George, United States
  • This is an excellent course. It was very informative.

    — Horace, United States
  • This is a course that everyone who wants to do a study on the life of Christ should take. Wonderful overview on the harmony of the Gospel and I absolutely love the teaching style of Dr. Hulbert. This course was educational and devotional. Thank you.

    — Pamela, United States
  • Great course about our Lord and Savior. . the teaching was simple yet profound and intriguing. The content will be utilized many times over

    — Donald, United States
  • Dr Hulbert was extremely knowledgeable and insightful. I gained a great deal from the course.

    — William, United States
  • This course covered an challenging amount of reading and study but it was a wonderful time of growing closer to the LORD. I learned a great deal which has helped me to understand the Lords Ministry, Life and love for me. It was really a wonderful course.

    — Evon, United States
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, United States
  • I really enjoyed this course. It made me think deeper about things I have read in the Bible.

    — Zeneida, United States
  • The course gave me great understanding of the life of Christ and His ministry on earth.

    — Moreno, United States

Course Content

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Lesson Fourteen
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Lesson Sixteen
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Lesson Seventeen
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Lesson Eighteen
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Lesson Nineteen
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Lesson Twenty
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Lesson Twenty-Three
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Lesson Twenty-Four
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Course Wrap-Up
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Disciple Level
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Course Details

  • High Effort
  • 24 Lessons
  • 43 Min Average
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Audios Transcripts

Terry C. Hulbert, ThD (1925-2014)

Course Provider


Course content is provided courtesy of Institute of Theological Studies (ITS).