The Primeval History

Explore Genesis 1-11, learning about the background, literary structure, and original meaning, as well as the modern applications.


This course provides an analysis of Genesis 1-11, looking at the background, the literary structure, the original meaning, the theological purpose, and modern applications. Why did Moses choose to tell the history of the Creation, the Fall, the Great Flood, and the Tower of Babel in the way that he did?

  1. Become more interested in studying Genesis 1-11 and in applying its teachings to his/her life.
  2. Understand key information regarding the background, purpose, literary structure, original meaning, and modern application of Genesis 1-11.
  3. Apply the teachings of Genesis 1-11 to his/her own life and use these teachings to evaluate contemporary expressions of thought.
  • Ottimo

    — Giovanni, Italy
  • I really enjoyed learning of all the connections between the primeval history, Israel's exodus and conquest of Canaan, and Christ's Kingdom.

    — Jennifer, United States
  • It was such a blessing.

    — Synyan, United States
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada
  • Amazing!!! Loved this course!!! This learning made me worship God at every point. Thank you!!

    — Holly, United States
  • Great course and illumination of truth on this part of Scripture

    — Donald, United States
  • I honestly never thought about the audience of Gen. 1-11 as being the Israelites as they were about the enter the Promised Land. It never occurred to me. I am learning so much from these courses; learning how to dig deeper. There is still so much to learn. I'm not overwhelmed, just grateful that I have been blessed with the opportunity to learn. Thank you.

    — Pamela, United States

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Course Details

  • High Effort
  • 4 Lessons
  • 59 Min Average
  • Course Award

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Richard L. Pratt, Jr., ThD

Course Provider

Third Millennium

Course content is provided courtesy of Third Millennium Ministries.