Finding and Following Your God-Given Calling

Dr. Ward will discuss how calling can be defined, how individuals can discern the calling of God and how this can be lived out practically and faithfully.

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In this course, Dr. Angie Ward will lead you through lessons that are aimed at discovering and developing your God-given calling. Dr. Ward will introduce different ways we can define “calling,” how individuals can move through a process of discerning what God is calling them to do with their lives, and how this can be lived out practically and faithfully.

  • Define ministry, leadership, and calling and recognize how, regardless of your role, God has called you to work for the Kingdom.
  • Describe the nature of calling and the different ways it may show up in someone’s life.
  • Identify and describe both supernatural and natural ways God communicates calling.
  • Describe the three phases of calling, including how they may take shape in your life and actions you can take during each of these phases.
  • Understand the importance of accountability in your calling and how the biblical principles of stewardship and community point us toward that.
  • Discover what it looks like to live into your calling at various life stages.
  • Recognize various challenges you may encounter as you follow God’s call and identify biblical principles for responding to them.
  • Dr. Ward covers a very practical issue, and includes areas like money and accountability which some people may have neglected. She shares not only theory, but has some examples from her own life or her contacts.

    — Leong, Singapore
  • This course made me aware of and made me focus on items concerning callings throughout and currently in my life.

    — Kitty, United States
  • Take notes while listening to the lecture and listen well.

    — Edith, Canada
  • The course is easy to understand and aptly delivered.

    — Mela, Nigeria
  • Before I have taken this course my understanding of God's calling was somewhat just about special task or great adventure with God. The course had given me a clear understanding of how it affects one's life, family and the process. The course also corrected my understanding about leadership and responsibilities.

    — Enrique, Philippines
  • Very helpful guidance for believers who have just found their gifts and may believe they have received a calling or have a passion to serve God!

    — Thaddeus, United States
  • It is an excellent beginner level course. There is lots of great information and the speaker is easy to listen to and follow.

    — Helen, United States
  • Thank you for providing this course as it has been something I've been praying about and didn't know how to find a course. God allowed me to open the Our Daily Bread Devotional app and He took me right to where I could find this course. It has helped me tremendously and I am so grateful. Blessings.

    — Esther, United States
  • Great stuff! Biblically solid! I really like Dr Ward's lecturing style and her personal examples.

    — Shannon, United States
  • I am encouraged

    — Rachel, United States
  • This course has been and will continue to be an encouragement to this 59 year old. Thank you!

    — Michelle, United States
  • While I found the course interesting and I definitely learned from it, the lecture was not quite as organized as it could have been, with sentences started, stopped, or subject changes.

    — Cheryl, United States
  • To be honest, I cried during some of the lectures. It was as if she was reading my personal mail regarding myself to God. As a pastor, I was feeling inadequate around other ministers because they were moving around, getting invites and they have a church building. My eyes were open before I took this course, but now they are more open. Thank you so much Dr. Angie Ward, God allowed you to give me the tools I needed to hear and apply to my ministry. I am so overcome with joy, and I am happy I took this course.

    — Joeanna, United States
  • Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this lesson. It was wonderful, clearly developed, and helpful. So thankful for the calling He placed on your life!  

    — Laurie, United States
  • The instructor was clear, concise, and presented the material in an easy-to-understand way. I would definitely take more courses with her.  

    — Bethany, United States
  • No matter what age you are you can make a difference.  

    — Margaret, United States
  • Loved it, although I believed the teacher soke too fast for me. But I thought she was an excellent teacher.

    — Normand, United States
  • Very interesting and helpful in finding out about having a calling and how to repsond.

    — Suzanne helen, Australia
  • Great course. I learned a lot. I hope to use this course either as a sermon series or a Bible study for our young adult small groups. Overall I love the course because the instructions were clear and straight forward and I could complete the course on my schedule.

    — Mattie, United States
  • This course lecturer was top-notch, and I very much enjoyed her presentation. The things spoken about were what I needed to learn at this time in my life and in my calling. Thank you.

    — Sherri, United States
  • Unclear presentation

    — Angie, United Kingdom
  • I took this course in order to help my staff and others as they question their calling. I believe that most of my personal experience and understanding of my calling was confirmed by the lectures. There were many points that I hadn't considered that did affect my calling (as I look back on how I arrived in the position that I am serving now).

    — Julianna, South Africa
  • It's biblical teaching with real life application.

    — Shinshin, United States
  • This a course that is really helpful in understanding our calling for God.

    — Tameka, United States
  • I would say that it would be beneficial to the student IF there were a second course to go along with this topic.

    — Mark, United States
  • Thanks for giving clarity on discerning God’s calling

    — William raju, India
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada

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Course Details

  • Low Effort
  • 4 Lessons
  • 20 Min Average
  • Course Award

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Angie Ward, PhD

Course Provider

Denver Seminary

Course developed in collaboration with Denver Seminary.