Christian Learning Center › Forums › Discussion Forum › According to Dr. Buzzell, “of all the things God created, nothing mattered as much to God as you and me.” Why were we created?
Tagged: OT128-04
According to Dr. Buzzell, “of all the things God created, nothing mattered as much to God as you and me.” Why were we created?
Deleted User replied 4 months ago 115 Members · 115 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User03/14/2023 at 00:01We were created for relationship with GOD, to have relationship built on love and trust in our GOD.
Deleted User
Deleted User03/13/2023 at 21:49To have a loving relationship and to serve.
Deleted User
Deleted User03/06/2023 at 08:40In Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 in the New Living Translation of the Bible, God created us in His image and likeness to have reign over the animals of the earth. I like to think that God made us CEO of the earth with Himself as the founder. In Psalm chapter 8, verses 4-6 nkjv David writes ” What is man that You are mindful of him? and the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels, and You have crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet… God made us to represent Him on the earth. Unfortunately, man as a whole except for a few men that followed God in the Old Testament, did a poor job of doing that until Jesus came to redeem us. I am thankful that God is so much wiser that we are. LOL.
Deleted User
Deleted User01/28/2023 at 14:17God created us to be stewards of the land, the animals and all of His creation.
Deleted User
Deleted User01/28/2023 at 07:11To have fellowship with God.