Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum All of us wrestle with recurring sins that seem to hang around just under the surface of our consciousness for years. An example of this in Dr. Worgul’s life was anger and envy. It was not till the bottom fell out for him when he was in his mid-fifties that he actually saw it. Life mapping helps us gain perspective on this. As you map out your life, do you see any besetting sins that God is trying to bring to your attention?


  • All of us wrestle with recurring sins that seem to hang around just under the surface of our consciousness for years. An example of this in Dr. Worgul’s life was anger and envy. It was not till the bottom fell out for him when he was in his mid-fifties that he actually saw it. Life mapping helps us gain perspective on this. As you map out your life, do you see any besetting sins that God is trying to bring to your attention?

    Deleted User replied 4 months ago 10 Members · 9 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/20/2022 at 20:09

    I’ve been told I’m selfish. Growing up isolated socializing and communicating became difficult to me. Hence I focused on myself by doing things that made me comfortable and happy. While I’ll try to help someone if they ask I’m not a giving person by nature. I believe God has told me I have to be more serving and less self-centred.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/16/2022 at 16:31

    I have done life mapping before in the form of working a 12 step recovery program. The work has definitely revealed “besetting sins” to me. Recognizing these sins has enabled me to see what my real problems were. I considered the effects of these sins to be my problem when it was the sins that were the real problem.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    12/15/2021 at 08:10

    I am still in the process of mapping out my life, but yes I do recognize some sins that God wants to deal with in my life. Including pride, the ” I know how to do this” thoughts, at times throughout my life that have gotten me into trouble.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/19/2021 at 23:06

    A wrestle against ideals and reality; a strive for excellence for Him that can turned into an obsessive compulsive driven-ness.
    Trust Him. Emit a fragrance of His grace.

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