Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum As a group, see how many examples of fasting you can name from Scripture.


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    04/22/2024 at 07:52









    Early Church Leaders

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    03/30/2024 at 18:36

    Moses, David, King Jehoshaphat, Daniel, Esther, Ezra & Israelites during the exile, Jesus fasted forty days and forty nights, Paul.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    03/27/2024 at 04:33

    (Joel 2:12) (1 Samuel 7:6,) (Daniel 9 3-5) (Nehemial1:3-4) (Esther 4:16) (Erza 8:21-23) (Acts 9:9) (Acts 13:1-3) (Acts 14:21-23)

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    03/18/2024 at 10:48
    1. The Disciples’ Fast (Matthew 17:21) – For deliverance from sin, addiction, bondage.
    2. The Ezra Fast (Ezra 8:21-23) – For God’s help in solving problems and for protection from Satan.
    3. The Samuel Fast (1 Samuel 7:6) – For revival.
    4. The Elijah Fast (1 Kings 19:4-8) – Mental freedom from emotional problems or stress.
    5. The Widow’s Fast (1 Kings 17:9-16) – Fasting to provide for the needy.
    6. The Pauline Fast (Acts 9:9) – For spiritual direction.
    7. The John the Baptist Fast (Matthew 3:4) – For repentance.
    8. The Esther Fast (Esther 4:16) – For deliverance from enemies.
    9. The Moses Fast (Exodus 34:28) – For spiritual renewal.
    10. The Jesus Fast (Matthew 4:1-2) – For spiritual strength and guidance.
    11. The Daniel Fast (Daniel 10:3) – Partial Fast for and Improved Physical and Spiritual Health

    These are just some of the fasts outlined for various benefits for us in the Bible. They can involve fasting food, drink, or something else that we value that takes up a significant amount of our time. This time is to be reclaimed in prayer instead. Our relationship with the Lord becomes our focus and our walk with God is strengthened. All fasting is meant to help us grow closer to God.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    03/13/2024 at 17:37

    some fasts were only for a day, some for 3 days, some for the entire nation, others were personal, some were for deliverance, some for protection and provision, some for wisdom, some for longer than 3 days, such as Moses and Jesus for 40 days.

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