Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum At the beginning of this program we learned: “People have many reasons for rejecting the Christian faith. Some may admire Christ but dislike His followers. Others find it difficult to accept any faith that claims to be the only way to God. Why would anyone limit themselves to only one of the world’s great religions?” How valid are each of these objections? What is your response to each?


  • At the beginning of this program we learned: “People have many reasons for rejecting the Christian faith. Some may admire Christ but dislike His followers. Others find it difficult to accept any faith that claims to be the only way to God. Why would anyone limit themselves to only one of the world’s great religions?” How valid are each of these objections? What is your response to each?

    Deleted User replied 4 months ago 108 Members · 110 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    12/20/2021 at 20:49

    I would say that to live for Jesus you have to completely change your life. You must have the true God ruling over you. That’s why people don’t really want to accept the Christian faith. There’s a price and people are not unwilling to pay it.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    12/18/2021 at 11:58

    Unlike driving home or to work, you can take multiple ways to and from and reach your destination. The Christian faith does not allow that comfort. Jesus is way the truth and the light. To get to God there is no other way. We have to stand firm on our faith and belief, we can not afford to waver in the Faith.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    12/10/2021 at 13:13

    The one thing I realized that people that trust or believe in something higher than themselves will believe in Jesus Christ. The would have had an encounter with him and understand that they are not the ones that are in control of there own destiny. I don’t believe they are valid in there objections but really take the time and search Jesus as well as their own heart and ask themselves the question why he/she is not open to learning about Jesus and trusting that as the word says he will never leave you or forsake you. That NO ONE is left without adversity in their lives and because of that relationship there is a peace that surpasses all understanding.

    When you get in a relationship with a person you get to know him/her understand them trust them gain, faith, trust , love and hope in them. It would be great that people that are non believers that religion is about relationship. When you are in relationship you thought process is different you interaction are more positive. When I talk to non-believers one thing I find in common is that we the believers are not consistent in our walk and makes them not understand so if we they called out walk more uprightly towards Jesus they could be a different outlook on coming to Jesus. The wave of believers living uprightly would also have a positive impact for nonbelievers to make a change.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    11/22/2021 at 23:04

    In my opinion, I see many people turning away from Christianity not because of the teachings of Christ but because of what they see in believers today . They see the selfish and fallen sinful nature of man. Today many who profess to be followers of Christ and those in ministry especially have lived a secret sinful life and portrayed a holy outward life. When people of other faiths see this, they do not want to be a part of it. They would much rather be in a different faith or an atheist as they do not see Christ’s love in action. My response would be to ask them to see Christ for who He is and follow Him and not mere man as all men are sinners and are bound to sin. If we follow men and not Christ, we are setting ourselves for failure as we will be disappointed sooner or later.

    There are also those who have a very difficult time admitting that Jesus is THE only way. For example, the Hindus do not have any problem with adding Christ as one of their gods along with their millions they already worship, and struggle to leave their tradition and past habits. There is also the fear of being accepted in one’s society or family after their bold profession of faith. To this, my response would be to let them know that following Christ is not like a trial and error or return/ exchange when you become disappointed. or unsure. This will be an all or nothing decision very similar to a marriage covenant. God seeks to have our whole heart. Therefore, as he gave His all for us, we need to surrender our all to HIM

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    11/10/2021 at 20:23

    Jesus’ selection of disciples was after a night of prayer seeking His Father’s will. They were ordinary people who share the same human responses which we have. Therefore, we can see ourselves in their thoughts and actions.
    His miracles attest to His dirty. The God-Man had at the beginning of time been a part of the Holy Trinity who shared in creating in all things. Jesus’ sustains all of creation. Consequently, if He makes the statement of being the only way to the Father, being able to control the natural elements and power over sin and death, He needs to be believed.

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