Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Describe one or two discipline policies in place in your classroom or at your school that adhere to the model discussed in this lesson. Have they been effective?


  • Describe one or two discipline policies in place in your classroom or at your school that adhere to the model discussed in this lesson. Have they been effective?

    Deleted User replied 4 months, 1 week ago 93 Members · 92 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/29/2021 at 19:41

    I have certain discipline policies spelled out in my classroom for students to have a guide to right and wrong behaviors. One of these is to listen when it is my turn to talk. I try to teach good traits to students and have a quiet learning environment so they will be able to learn. I know I need to bring those who are disobedient back into the fold, to get right, to be restored and held accountable with love.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/29/2021 at 09:12

    At my school, students are held accountable for their actions. They are always pulled aside to discuss the behavior at hand, point to God in the situation and given the opportunity to correct the behavior, etc. It is a model of God’s grace and redemption.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/27/2021 at 22:34

    Respect and accountability are high priority in my classroom. My students are held accountable for all of their actions to include their speech, homework, and behaviors in and out of the classroom. They must examine their actions before they talk about other’s behaviors. They are to respect each other’s opinions, thoughts, and/or remarks during discussions in the classroom. If at anytime any response or action becomes inappropriate, a time of self-reflection is given for everyone. If there needs to be a one-on-one intervention or group intervention, we will deal with that, but usually just the “mama” stopped me approach works for my students.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/21/2021 at 13:47

    In my classroom, I hold students accountable for their actions. If a student isn’t following directions with an instrument or playing it inappropriately, I warn them then I take the instrument away from the student. The student has to sit and wait for the next activity while watching their classmates follow directions. I may give them another chance. If I give them another chance, they follow directions (most of the time). It has been effective because it encourages good behavior.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/20/2021 at 18:34

    I start by teaching my students that discipline is of God and if an authority really loves us they will discipline us. I tell them that God is a just God and that both our good choices and bad choices have consequences. We discuss how all sin is evil in the eyes of God and He doesn’t just overlook any of it. We talk about how the wages of sin is death and every time we sin something has to die. In a “fair” world, we would need to die as a consequence of our sin, but because God is also merciful and graceful He sent Jesus to die for us. Because of all this it is a big deal each time we sin, and no sin is small. Once they understand this I tell them that it is my job as a teacher to teach them good habits to not sin and to give them a logical consequence when they do sin. We discuss how it is much better for us to suffer these small consequences and ask God for forgiveness than it would be to have to pay the price Jesus did. I never teach this from a place of “fire and brimstone” and scare the children, but from a place of logic and reasoning. Then, we decided as a course what some logical consequences are for certain sinful behavior we might see in the classroom.

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