Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Describe one or two discipline policies in place in your classroom or at your school that adhere to the model discussed in this lesson. Have they been effective?


  • Describe one or two discipline policies in place in your classroom or at your school that adhere to the model discussed in this lesson. Have they been effective?

    Deleted User replied 4 months, 1 week ago 93 Members · 92 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/20/2024 at 14:20

    I work at the beginning of the year to ensure all students understand the expectations and provide a clear path to meet those expectations. I am working on utilizing more consistent consequences. I try to have the child reflect upon why they broke a rule and how they can work to do better next time.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/20/2024 at 13:09

    My personal discipline policy adheres to the lesson model in that it is designed to correct, not to punish. There are very clear guidelines and consequences, which helps students feel secure and empower them to make the right choice. When consequences are required, there is no attempt to shame the students, and I always engage in a conversation as to why the discipline was required. I also often reassure students that these actions and consequences do not affect the way that I care for them, and that there is a fresh start to be had tomorrow.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/18/2024 at 18:23

    I believe that it’s important to have a checks and balances system in the classroom where the classroom rules are clearly stated at the beginning of the year. Students need to know they must respect one another and respect the teacher. At our school, there is a warning system that first begins with a verbal warning, then a documented warning and then if the behavior isn’t corrected there are demerits documented, and finally, the dean of men or women would be involved if the student’s behavior was not corrected. Of course, it is our hope and desire that a simple verbal warning would suffice and the student’s behavior would be corrected. Most often times this is the case, but occasionally offenses need to be escalated. As teachers, we need to be demonstrating and reminding the students that we are called to love one another and to treat one another as we would want to be treated based on Christ’s teaching.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    05/26/2024 at 20:20

    We use a Christian version of restorative justice, which works well for elementary. However, we are still exploring secondary methods because the RTC format isn’t working.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    05/13/2024 at 13:34

    Respect other and yourselves is a class rule I have. People say how to I respect myself? I say, you are an image bearer of the Lord. You musn’t curse yourself for a mistake that you have made. “I’m stupid.”, etc., comments. When they are made I cancel the thought and bring correction. By the confession of our mouth… we must be careful the words that come out. Students forget they are image bearers and are more harsh on themselves then they should. I tell them, why would you be so harsh on yourself ? (learning a new math concept) You haven’t done this before, it’s not a matter of intelligence, but a matter of practice. Don’t be so harsh in judgment of yourself. I remind them they and there neighbor are image bearers and we must be mindful of what we say about our neighbor and ourselves.

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