Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Describe the difference between not doing something because it’s not right and not doing something because it’s not what we most deeply want to do.What do you most deeply want to do?


  • Describe the difference between not doing something because it’s not right and not doing something because it’s not what we most deeply want to do.What do you most deeply want to do?

    Deleted User replied 4 months ago 24 Members · 23 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/06/2022 at 16:19

    Unless we know it is not right because it will bring pain and suffering to God, ourselves, and others and turn to His strength, then we will find reasons that it is ok to do. Our flesh will feel justified. If we have a deeper desire for God and accept Him and His justification of us then we will know His joy and find ways to make His joy more complete through Truth and loving relationships. Then the other desires will be not worth the pain. Then seeking Him and His will brings joy and that is worth it (giving up the other desires)!

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    09/28/2021 at 01:26

    Not doing something because it is not right is moralistic or legalistic.
    Not doing something because it’s not what we most deeply want to do is an deep appetite (indulgence) beyond gratification.
    I most deeply want to be with Him in all I do. Without His presence, nothing matters, nothing is gain, even if the work is a success.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/07/2021 at 09:43

    Not doing something that is not right is realizing something is wrong and trying not to do it so you can do what is right and avoid the hurt and consequences of the bad, by trying to be good. Not doing something because it’s not what we most deeply desire is following the flow of what is already in us to do. As Christians, we most desire GOD, so that keeps us from doing things that would take us away from God’s presence. One, is you trying to force a behavior regardless of your motivation or inner desires. The other is you giving way to your greatest desires and not allowing lesser options distract you from what you want the most.

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