Christian Learning Center›Forums›Discussion Forum›Dr. Buzzell concluded this lesson by saying, “[Jesus Christ] came as God because only as the God-man could He fulfill His mission to save us from our sin.” Have you asked Jesus to be your Savior and Lord?
Dr. Buzzell concluded this lesson by saying, “[Jesus Christ] came as God because only as the God-man could He fulfill His mission to save us from our sin.” Have you asked Jesus to be your Savior and Lord?
Deleted User replied 4 months ago138 Members·
140 Replies
Yes. It would be foolish not to after reading about who He is.
Deleted User
Deleted User
08/30/2023 at 06:09
To say specifically, Twice – Once during my First Communion Ceremony & of course during my Baptism.
Deleted User
Deleted User
08/08/2023 at 20:27
Yes, I have asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior over 27 years ago, my life was never the same.
Deleted User
Deleted User
08/07/2023 at 18:08
I did not expect a question of this nature. The reason I am pursuing these courses is because I have asked Jesus to guide my life, but what if I had said “no?”
Dr. Buzzell concluded this lesson by saying, “[Jesus Christ] came as God because only as the God-man could He fulfill His mission to save us from our sin.” Have you asked Jesus to be your Savior and Lord?