Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Dr. Vernon Grounds said, “I might find it difficult to believe in the resurrection of just an ordinary individual. But Jesus wasn’t an ordinary individual…. Everything about Jesus was supernatural, and consequently I find the resurrection to fit right into that picture: Supernatural exit from time/space, the resurrection, and then the ascension. So the resurrection fits beautifully into that whole mosaic. If you were to leave that aside, the jigsaw puzzle would be missing a very significant piece. But it all fits together into a coherent pattern of supernaturalism.” Vernon Grounds uses the illustrations of a mosaic and jigsaw puzzle. How do these metaphors illustrate the miraculous ministry of Jesus Christ ending in His resurrection? Explain your answer.


  • Dr. Vernon Grounds said, “I might find it difficult to believe in the resurrection of just an ordinary individual. But Jesus wasn’t an ordinary individual…. Everything about Jesus was supernatural, and consequently I find the resurrection to fit right into that picture: Supernatural exit from time/space, the resurrection, and then the ascension. So the resurrection fits beautifully into that whole mosaic. If you were to leave that aside, the jigsaw puzzle would be missing a very significant piece. But it all fits together into a coherent pattern of supernaturalism.” Vernon Grounds uses the illustrations of a mosaic and jigsaw puzzle. How do these metaphors illustrate the miraculous ministry of Jesus Christ ending in His resurrection? Explain your answer.

    Deleted User replied 4 months ago 25 Members · 25 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    11/01/2023 at 02:52

    The way I understand it as a mosaic is that everything Christ did or was a part of is like a special piece, technically correct and skillfully made exactly as intended no matter what size. The virgin birth, miracles, death, resurrection and ascension are the obvious larger pieces. Altogether they create the beautiful complete image. Individually they are the debated topics that skeptics try to discredit; however, God in His infinite knowledge and wisdom had each done, some undeniable, some with very strong evidence but all to the reasonable point where we are without excuse… especially when seeing the BIG PICTURE.

    How AWESOME is our God?!?!

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/22/2023 at 17:54

    The miraculous ministry of Jesus might very well have been relegated to dust bins of history if He did not rise from the dead. His resurrection however put the finishing touches on His miraculous life and works and was a final confirmation of His identity as well as the completion of the tapestry made of the different aspects of His life and ministry

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/17/2023 at 09:42

    The metaphors illustrate the miraculous ministry of Jesus Christ because the resurrection proves that Jesus is the the son of God He conquered the grave and has power over death to save us from our sins

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/28/2023 at 17:56

    A mosaic and a puzzle are not complete without all oft he pieces. Individually it is hard to see the big picture or tell the whole story. With out all of the parts it is not complete. Jesus’s story needed all of the pieces and parts to tell the whole story. It would be harder to explain or to be believable with out all of the parts.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    05/01/2023 at 01:22

    The birth of Jesus was a miracle!!!Being born by a Virgin. The life of Jesus ,the miracles he performed of God’s deeds,the good news he taught and the crucifixion,resurrection and assertion of CHRIST are all complement each other of God’s work here on earth…

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