Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Dr. Vernon Grounds said, “I might find it difficult to believe in the resurrection of just an ordinary individual. But Jesus wasn’t an ordinary individual…. Everything about Jesus was supernatural, and consequently I find the resurrection to fit right into that picture: Supernatural exit from time/space, the resurrection, and then the ascension. So the resurrection fits beautifully into that whole mosaic. If you were to leave that aside, the jigsaw puzzle would be missing a very significant piece. But it all fits together into a coherent pattern of supernaturalism.” Vernon Grounds uses the illustrations of a mosaic and jigsaw puzzle. How do these metaphors illustrate the miraculous ministry of Jesus Christ ending in His resurrection? Explain your answer.


  • Dr. Vernon Grounds said, “I might find it difficult to believe in the resurrection of just an ordinary individual. But Jesus wasn’t an ordinary individual…. Everything about Jesus was supernatural, and consequently I find the resurrection to fit right into that picture: Supernatural exit from time/space, the resurrection, and then the ascension. So the resurrection fits beautifully into that whole mosaic. If you were to leave that aside, the jigsaw puzzle would be missing a very significant piece. But it all fits together into a coherent pattern of supernaturalism.” Vernon Grounds uses the illustrations of a mosaic and jigsaw puzzle. How do these metaphors illustrate the miraculous ministry of Jesus Christ ending in His resurrection? Explain your answer.

    Deleted User replied 4 months ago 25 Members · 25 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/10/2022 at 19:39

    Each piece of Jesus’ life on earth fit together like puzzle, revealing the entire picture at the end. To see the end result, we must put find each piece of his life and we will have the feeling of completeness at the end.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/09/2022 at 12:02

    Using a jigsaw puzzle and mosaic as metaphors for Jesus’ ministry and ultimate resurrection is a picture of how the Messiah was prophesied in Old Testament Scriptures. There are bits and pieces all throughout the Old Testament that prophecy Jesus’ ministry on earth. The final piece to the “puzzle” is His resurrection. If we have no resurrection, our faith is empty and we are still sinners. That is the only piece that could complete the puzzle or mosaic that God had begun when the Fall occurred. The prophecies of Jesus’ earthly ministry were all fulfilled – one piece at a time.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    05/21/2022 at 11:37

    The jigsaw and mosaic illustrate the multifaceted beauty and Omnipotence of our God. All facets of God are complete and complimentary. There is nothing missing or marred in God’s plan.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    04/10/2022 at 05:04

    Not sure how to answer this question. What I do know is that Jesus being God the Son is not constrained to human or earthly limits. We can never fully understand all of God’s plan but we do know that everything happens for a reason and for a specific outcome. If any part of His plan were to be omitted, the outcome would be different. This cannot happen because God is Truth. He does not lie. What He says is to be will be.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/02/2022 at 22:49

    The ministry of Jesus was supernatural. He came in a supernatural way, He performed miracles during his ministry, He gave His life, and was resurrected. All of these pieces fit into a puzzle that was the life of Jesus, not a ‘”normal” person. This is a perfect illustration because if you remove one piece you get a different outcome. Going even further, the ascension was supernatural in itself and so fit right into the puzzle.

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