Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Explain how each of the following New Covenant provisions can contribute to the relief of the holy tension in our souls: New Purity, New Identity. New Inclination, and New Power.


  • Explain how each of the following New Covenant provisions can contribute to the relief of the holy tension in our souls: New Purity, New Identity. New Inclination, and New Power.

    Deleted User replied 4 months ago 31 Members · 30 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/11/2023 at 15:28

    New Purity can contribute to holy tension in ours because it brings us to faith in Christ. It because of His blood that we have been called out of darkness to the great and marvelous light. This new purity is a gift from God it cannot be earned. Now we have a godly passion because we have been accepted as his children.

    New Identity – Because of the blood of the cross, now we are Christians first. We are no longer sinners, but saints who sin. We are children of the most High God!

    New inclination – The new heart that we have received has a desire to please God. Our appetites model sanctification and depends on the Holy Spirit for direction.

    New Power – Since we have become new creations in Christ; the Spirit of God now lives on the inside of us. We no longer have to dominated by sin and its power.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/28/2023 at 23:16

    New Purity happens to the believer because of the radical power of the Blood of Jesus. It’s means I am forgiven of my sins and is now accepted. It’s a gift from God and cannot be earned.He is now joying over me.

    New Indentity has been given. No longer a sinner but a Saint even though the tendency is still there to sin and in need of forgiveness daily. He is working in me and I am His treasured possession He has given the believer a new heart as stated in Ezekiel 36.The love of God is poured in to the depths of the soul and is greater than evil

    New inclination is the appetite that is aroused from deep within. Because the Spirit has created a new heart in me and is now indwelling me,longing to do what pleases him. His work of sanctifying me to make me Holy to present me pure and holy. I have a hunger and thirst for the things of God wanting to please Him

    New power is the transaction of power as the new believer receives what the SoulCare is pouring out. There is a transaction of power. The Holy Spirit has a home in the new believer as well.The Blood of Jesus cleansing, healing and restoring. Empowerment!!

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/21/2023 at 01:15

    When we accept Jesus Christ into our lives as a Christian, the redemption of Jesus’ is in effect and I am cleansed by the blood of Christ, that I stand before God pure and blameless. God then give me a new identity, that of a child of God, dearly loved and fully accepted. With this new identity is also a new change of heart and a deep desire to know God and to please him – the New Inclination. Being filled by the Holy Spirit of God also gives me New Power to release the holy tension in our souls.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/20/2023 at 14:53

    New Purity gives me an assurance that through the blood of Jesus and God’s Grace I cannot be lost. God has accepted me as His child and has forgiven my sins. Knowing God’s love for me gives me a desire to live according to God’s will. It makes sin less attractive to me.

    New Identity assures me that I belong to God. I no longer identify by my sin. I identify as a child of God, a Christian. God’s love touches my soul more deeply than anything that is evil. Therefore my soul is defined by His love.

    New Inclination is the appetite for God that places in us a desire for God that is much deeper than our appetite for sin.

    New Power provides for the ‘mystical’ power of the Spirit of God that lives in me to touch the Spirit of God that lives in another person being released so that the person wants more than anything else to move toward the vision that God has created for them.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/14/2023 at 23:45

    New Purity: Since I’m forgiven and cleansed by Jesus, I need not wallow in self-pity and withdrawal from God. Instead, I begin to hate sin and desire purity.

    New Identity: Since I am a child of God and, even when I sin, I am a saint in God’s design nevertheless, I feel loved and safe in this identity. I begin to desire a relationship with God.

    New Inclination: Since God has given me a new heart, I begin to desire from the core of my heart to do what the law of God requires. My pursuit of righteousness is driven by appetite, not by accountability.

    New Power: Since the Spirit of God lives in me, His power in me is greater than the external voice of the world and the devil who tempt me.

    These provisions make it possible to relieve the tension between what I am now and what I can be in Christ.


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