Explain, in your own words, what “processing activities” are and how they contribute to a coherent curriculum. - Discussion Forum - Our Daily Bread University

Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Explain, in your own words, what “processing activities” are and how they contribute to a coherent curriculum.


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/21/2023 at 17:50

    Processing activities take time. You debrief about what you believed at the beginning of the academic year or even just a month earlier. You reflect back on what you used to think and ask how it has changed now. What has influenced your thinking? You can interact with others and as well as reflect on how Scripture has influenced you.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/21/2023 at 11:08

    Processing activities are those that allow students to think, reflect, and make connections. They are metacognitive activities…students write or discuss their thoughts. This takes time and should include having students think of how their thought have changed or stayed consistent given new information.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/20/2023 at 11:14

    I always feel that processing activities are the “experiencing” the learning. This means that students go beyond learning and begin to relate to it from their own experience. If students are learning to serve others for a Biblical worldview and see it from the times of Jesus, processing that learning is what is the first hand experience of the learner. Window on the World: When We Pray We Pray God Works covers a country or people in the world with statistics so our prayers can be specific and intenetional. Not only are they seeing them in real time, tracking them over time to see how God moves in that part of the world.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/18/2023 at 19:58

    I think that processing activities are great for the lessons that go beyond regurgitating memorized information but can be better used in situations where the student has to contribute their own thoughts, ideas, or feelings on a subject over over time. One way the processing activity can be used in long term concepts where someone’s ideas may change. I think these activities would be fantastic in a lot of areas including bible, science, philosophy, literature, and other open-ended subjects. I was especially interested in the idea of an evolving activity that starts early in the year but shows the student’s growth and understanding as they continue to complete the activity throughout the school year. I would think that using an activity in this way would help to see if the student is gaining deeper meaning of the curriculum.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/13/2023 at 14:30

    Processing activities are activities students can do that help them to recall and better understand the information that was talked about in the lesson. These activities help them to process the information better depending on their learning style.

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