Christian Learning Center › Forums › Discussion Forum › Explain, in your own words, what “processing activities” are and how they contribute to a coherent curriculum.
Tagged: CE201-10
Explain, in your own words, what “processing activities” are and how they contribute to a coherent curriculum.
Deleted User replied 4 months, 1 week ago 209 Members · 211 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User05/31/2023 at 17:01Processing activities are reflective exercises that the students engage in by the end of a lesson, unit, or grade level. These reflective exercises enable students to pause and reflect on what they have learned and applied to their own lives. Furthermore, they challenge students to see where they have grown in their understanding of a particular subject matter. Processing activities contribute to a coherent curriculum in at least one notable way. Specifically, they help the students connect what they learned previously to the overarching foundation of God’s Word in a curriculum.
Deleted User
Deleted User05/31/2023 at 13:57Processing activities is taking time to think back on the lesson and applying previous knowledge to new knowledge of the subject that has just been covered. This lesson suggests having a Biblical Scope and Sequence at hand while creating the curriculum which I think is a great way to incorportate activities where the student will be exposed to the subject in a Biblical point of view. The processing activities can also be done during the lesson where the teacher can pause and teach the students discernment between curriculum that differs from God’s word and a Chrisitan World view.
Deleted User
Deleted User05/27/2023 at 20:52“Processing activities” are to process what has been taught and learned throughout a lesson. If there is a concept that has been taught, a student should be given time to process that concept and what it means for their Christian life. This helps the student fit that new information into their lives and make sense of what they have learned. This will be a time when the concepts can be evaluated from a Biblical worldview and made sense of in light of that Biblical worldview. It is also a time when the concept can be connected to other ideas that have been learned in other academic areas. If all our curriculum is being integrated with Biblical concepts, as they should, then we can refer back to what has been taught in different areas.
Deleted User
Deleted User05/26/2023 at 13:53Processing activities are those classes/lessons that allow students to make the connection between the subject matter being learned and how it comes back to/relates to a Biblical World View. It’s not just taking a course, but embracing the course in its entirety and how it can allow me to be a better Christian citizen.
Deleted User
Deleted User05/18/2023 at 10:07It’s when we stop and think about the things that have been done and evaluating what work and what didn’t. By applying processing activities we are giving the students the opportunity to revisit their thoughts and ideas after a period of time, and see if they have chaged the way they believe about something. This is something very important for a curriculum specially in a Christian Philosophy of Education setting because we are influencing their minds and actions with Scripture as we teach them accademically.