Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Explain, in your own words, why and how Christians should embrace science.


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/29/2021 at 17:02

    Christians need to embrace science because many times it proves there is a God and He created everything. I like the way the lecturer talked about how David had written about the stars being numbered like the grains of sand and then scientists realizing the same thing.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/29/2021 at 08:35

    Christians should embrace Science because it points back to creation.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/27/2021 at 20:15

    In my words, Christians should embrace science as the Bible states it in Genesis. Yes it is difficult as we are humans and search for answers and cures. God is the ultimate cure, the discoverer, and source of all our answers. There are so many questions left unanswered but many that we just don’t need or want to try find out. It seems than when it comes to God, there is no question and experimenting with science is like experimenting with what he has given us because it’s not enough. I am sure that is not the intention, but scientist want to see what can be done with the things God has given us to help us here on earth. We are given everything on earth that we need for our care and health. Science is given to us by God.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/21/2021 at 13:15

    Christians should embrace science because it is so amazing. God created all of it. It is a wonder to me to find out how it is made or how it works, then to think that God made it. It has to be God ordained because it is to intricate to be otherwise.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/20/2021 at 17:55

    Science is my favorite subject to teach because we focus on earth science and start our year by talking about creation vs evolution, the extinction and lives of dinosaurs, how the flood effected the layers of the earth, and so much more. I love learning about science because it’s how we learn about God’s creation. How can we practice good dominion over the earth if we don’t understand the working parts of the earth? We need to stop separating science and Christianity. I once heard a quote that said “A little science points man away from God. A lot of science points him to God.”

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