Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Explain, in your own words, why and how Christians should embrace science.


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    05/02/2024 at 08:56

    Christians should embrace science because it gives explanation to God’s creation of the world and of man. The Bible is our authority, so His word is the basis for our belief of our existence. Science merely supports and confirms everything that is written in Genesis. Scientific discoveries accentuate the truth of God’s creation.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    04/30/2024 at 13:03

    Years ago I found it hard to believe that science and God worked hand in hand because of everything I had been taught in public school and even university. I thought the two were separate from each other. Now I am able to embrace that God created everything with a purpose and that some things are not easy of meant for us to understand but our God is all knowing and all powerful and some things we just leave up to him, and one day in heaven we can gain clarity on earthly things that confuse us.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    04/21/2024 at 14:58

    Science and the Bible are not at odds. Science is the study of what is and the Bible glorifies the Creator. Psalm 19 and Romans 1 tell us that all the creation bears witness to Him. So the RIGHT study of what is should direct the heart to awe and wonder of our Creator. However, scientism exalts the human capacity to observe as the determiner of truth. That is if it cannot be observed and measured by our natural senses and human-made instruments then it cannot be. Therefore, it counts as rubbish the invisible God who is to be worshipped forever and ever, Amen. We must teach the truth and pave the way for the truth because the end of all lies is death and destruction.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    04/03/2024 at 17:13

    Christians should embrace science because all truth is God’s truth.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    03/16/2024 at 22:36

    We are created, and we care for creation. Understanding what we are and what we care for is essential, and science is one excellent way to become more efficient. However, we also must be aware that not all scientific studies are legitimate, but instead parts of “think tanks” which exist to sway others to agree or buy or promote their “findings.”

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