Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Explain why the authors at times differ from each other in their accounts.


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    03/12/2022 at 14:23

    Each author was writing to different audiences, they were writing for different purposes, that is what they wanted they wanted to emphasize about Jesus’ life. Each other author had their own writing style and these facts could account for the difference in the synoptic gospels.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    03/10/2022 at 20:10

    They wrote from different perspective and for different audiences. The differences can also be the result of the emphasis the writers wanted to place on.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/21/2022 at 13:20

    They are written by four different people. They each had their own perspective.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/19/2022 at 14:44

    They are four different people with their own different perspective of how things happened. They have different focuses as well.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/10/2022 at 13:28

    Everyone writes from their own perspectives and experiences, kind of like when siblings raised in the same home have differing childhood memories. Also, the authors were writing to different audiences and for different purposes. This doesn’t make them untrue.

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