Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Explain why the authors at times differ from each other in their accounts.


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/02/2021 at 20:27

    They differ because they had a different perspective, personal relationship with Jesus and were addressing different audiences.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/27/2021 at 20:32

    It is interesting to not that there are differences between the authors of the gospel based on their heritage and personal experiences. Mathew for instance bases his gospel to the Jews fulfilling the prophesy of the Messiah. Luke on the other hand addresses the gospel to the gentiles mainly based in Rome. Mark on the other hand presents the Lord as a servant someone who was always ready to place himself second. John’s gospel on the other hand is a message that present Jesus as God.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/23/2021 at 23:17

    The authors at times differ from each other in their accounts. They may have been different because they all had different occupations and spoke from a different point of view. For example: Matthew , Mark, Luke, and John could have had a different audience and wrote from the eye of their gift and job title. Matthew was a tax collector and a business man. Therefore, he may have spoken about the importance of money, tax payments, and the increase or decrease cost of living. Mark was a missionary, one of God’s servants. His goal was probably focused on telling others about the message of the cross. He could have traveled with a mindset of helping others to understand the importance of God’s Word. Luke was a physician, historian, and scientist and because of his concern about the physical being, history of his homeland, and study of the universe, his messages could have focused on keeping the body healthy and clean by eating the proper foods in order to live a long life. John was a fisherman, he caught and sold fish for a living. His conversations may have influenced others to purchase three piece fish dinner.

    Everyone has a different personality. Each of us have a different point of view. Even though we all may have witnessed the same account at the same time, our interpretation could sound and look totally different.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/15/2021 at 22:53

    The gospels offer different viewpoints.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/07/2021 at 22:41

    The gospels differ from one another for various reasons. Matthew and John were disciples so they gave eyewitness accounts of the life of Jesus while Mark was a disciple of Peter and used his accounts of Jesus to write his gospel. Luke was a Gentile believer who followed Paul and used extensive research to formulate his account.
    Another reason that the accounts are different is that the gospel writers had different purposes and audiences. Matthew wrote specifically for Jewish listeners and wanted to show them that Jesus was the long awaited Messiah King that they hoped for. Mark portrayed Jesus as God’s servant. He also wrote to Roman citizens and because they did not know or have use for Jewish law, there was little reference to it. Luke wrote to Gentile believers and emphasized that Jesus was the savor of all people not just the Jews. Lastly John’s audience was all people and he wanted to prove Jesus was God,

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