Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Have you ever felt like your prayers somehow didn’t measure up?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    03/20/2023 at 08:17

    In his lecture he summed it up very well. You sit listening to another person who is eloquent and prays using evocative words, and then the baton is passed to you and as you stammer to say equally eloquent things, your own thoughts and feelings interfere and you are aware of your own ability or lack thereof. The important part of what I just listed is that the most fundamental and relevant part of that is our own thoughts and feelings – which is where we live, its our needs, four ears, our joys, and our situation. Not eloquent but definitely real.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    03/18/2023 at 17:57

    Yes I have sometimes I see right away that something is going right ,right now when that doesn’t happen then down cast down like I am not good enough but having take n this course I know that I don’t have to see every answered prayer or feel badly about a prayer that isn’t answered. .

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/22/2023 at 06:22

    Yes, I have. I lately felt my words are not going through the roof. Then, I started writing down my prayers in my book, which usually help me a lot.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/20/2023 at 13:06

    Yes, rather frequently, especially when there are “eloquent” prayers by others.
    That’s why I’m so thankful to be reminded in this course that prayer is not about eloquence; it’s an honest and sincere communication between me and my gracious Abba even though He is the Almighty Holy Creator-God.
    Thank you for the teaching that prayer can even be as simple as a sincere gesture of kneeling before the Lord out of an attitude of surrendering to Him; no words needed.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/20/2023 at 05:15

    Yes, on several occasions as I feel like I’m a better writer then speaker….I have learned that as I speak from the heart that it what God wants to hear….

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