I can’t recall that I had ANY formal ability to minister to Athletes Families in an obvious way. It did occur though that I hopefully had some of my Good Christian up-bringing rub off on some The O.S.U. Football Players when I was a Freshmen and Sophomore in a Dormitory facility in the mid-1970’s in which they were housed e.g. Archie Griffin, Brian Baschnagel, Paul Jones,Nick Buonamici (sp); etc. One way I can(could) see being an Obvious representative of Christ to the Athletes and their Families would be a) Seeking to have a “Safe” space for them to interact with me –NOT necessarily though at their dedicated place of work,b) Wearing (displaying) some Sacramentals of My clerical role when in their Places of play; and having an understanding with the Front-Office as to what I am permitted to share with them of a Potential “Privileged” nature and not. Towards the ends of the above; I strongly might recommend that My Formal Ministry be supervised by the Ecclesial Polity to which I subscribe my Credentials ; and Not to the Loyalty of the Teams/Clubs/Organizations that I could conceivably interact with. 2-4-2023, Cleveland, Ohio.