Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Have you had any experience ministering to athletes’ families? If so, what were some ways you ministered to family members and how did that contribute to your relationship with the athlete? If not, which of the ideas presented in this lesson seem like something you could integrate into your ministry in the future? How might you implement that?


  • Have you had any experience ministering to athletes’ families? If so, what were some ways you ministered to family members and how did that contribute to your relationship with the athlete? If not, which of the ideas presented in this lesson seem like something you could integrate into your ministry in the future? How might you implement that?

    Deleted User replied 4 months ago 18 Members · 17 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/06/2023 at 18:54

    In the sport that I minister to there can be a lot of trauma and hospital visitation. This trauma response many times is more for the support of family members while the athlete is receiving the medical response from certified medical staff. (Trauma response also goes a long way for the athlete as well. They know you care when they are at their “low”. I have also had many opportunities to meet with families for meals, events outside of the sport. This shows a ministry of presence and a ministry of caring.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    02/04/2023 at 15:21

    I can’t recall that I had ANY formal ability to minister to Athletes Families in an obvious way. It did occur though that I hopefully had some of my Good Christian up-bringing rub off on some The O.S.U. Football Players when I was a Freshmen and Sophomore in a Dormitory facility in the mid-1970’s in which they were housed e.g. Archie Griffin, Brian Baschnagel, Paul Jones,Nick Buonamici (sp); etc. One way I can(could) see being an Obvious representative of Christ to the Athletes and their Families would be a) Seeking to have a “Safe” space for them to interact with me –NOT necessarily though at their dedicated place of work,b) Wearing (displaying) some Sacramentals of My clerical role when in their Places of play; and having an understanding with the Front-Office as to what I am permitted to share with them of a Potential “Privileged” nature and not. Towards the ends of the above; I strongly might recommend that My Formal Ministry be supervised by the Ecclesial Polity to which I subscribe my Credentials ; and Not to the Loyalty of the Teams/Clubs/Organizations that I could conceivably interact with. 2-4-2023, Cleveland, Ohio.

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