Christian Learning Center › Forums › Discussion Forum › Have you had discussions about creation and evolution in your classroom? If so, how did those go? Is there anything you would do differently? If you have not had these discussions in your classroom, how do you think you would handle them?
Tagged: CE202-05
Have you had discussions about creation and evolution in your classroom? If so, how did those go? Is there anything you would do differently? If you have not had these discussions in your classroom, how do you think you would handle them?
Deleted User replied 4 months, 1 week ago 106 Members · 105 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User06/29/2021 at 08:34I have not yet had this discussion with the student that I work with. If the subject comes up in the future, I will absolutely tie in scripture, explain what the world-view is and share what we believe as Christians (Biblical Worldview) in order to prepare him for the exposure he will have in the world we live in.
Deleted User
Deleted User06/27/2021 at 20:21I have had the discussion before and it was advised that I skip over these chapters and talks. I did not want to as some students may attend other schools besides mine in the coming years or even the same year and they would need to understand how to respond to the topic. It was handled very gentle and clearly stated in the manner of a Christian that God is the creator and things just did not happen by some certain circumstance or freak of events. I allowed my students to used their Bibles and our technology to view the pros and cons, facts, opinions, and truths. We asked and answered questions and the students actually stated they were tired of hearing about it and it make no sense. If it was not in the Bible, they didn’t believe it.
Deleted User
Deleted User06/21/2021 at 13:12I have talked and sung songs about creation but I haven’t had any discussion about evolution. I would handle the situation with grace. I would say that there are other theories and briefly talk about them, then point to Scripture and explain why I believe in creation.
Deleted User
Deleted User06/20/2021 at 17:59We have many discussions in my classroom about creation and evolution. These lessons are always long because I let the students ask anything and everything they want. We talk about how dinosaurs lived with man and why they might have went extinct. We talk about why evolution isn’t a valid theory (not a fact, as it is not proven). We talk about micro vs. macroevolution. We talk about hypothesis vs theory vs fact. We discuss how scientific facts change based on man’s knowledge of the subject. This is one of my favorite chapters to teach because every child is engaged and interested and they all have questions they wonder about, but haven’t been given a chance to ask before or maybe they did ask and they just got a “That’s just the way it is” for an answer.
Deleted User
Deleted User06/16/2021 at 17:31We have a science unit on creation vs. evolution in my 2nd grade classroom. We look at the scripture and see what God’s Word says about creation. The students are given playdough and are asked to create animals, plants, and birds, fish, clouds, and mountains out of the playdough. Then we look at everyone’s sculptures. We talk about the way God just spoke and created these things. Could we just talk to the playdough and it would magically form into these shapes. No. Can I just say, let there be light, and “without Alexa” the lights turn on? or the Sun Shine? No. Now make a playdough person. God formed people from the dust of the earth. Then He breathed life into us. Can you breath into the mouth of your little playdough person and make them come to life? No. But God can.
Now we look at the worldview of where people and animals and plants come from. We look at the different theories. Accident, evolution, etc.
I take two balls of playdough and throw them together and they drop to the ground. Was anything accidentally made? An animal? a plant? No.
How about if I would explode the playdough? Do you think it would be able to create something new?
Even very young children can see that a Big Bang causes destruction. Nothing has ever been made or will ever be made by a huge collision of two objects except for destruction. Never construction.
We looked at millions of years vs. thousands of years. And decide that we really don’t know about any of that. But God does.