Have you had discussions about creation and evolution in your classroom? If so, how did those go? Is there anything you would do differently? If you have not had these discussions in your classroom, how do you think you would handle them? - Discussion Forum - Our Daily Bread University

Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Have you had discussions about creation and evolution in your classroom? If so, how did those go? Is there anything you would do differently? If you have not had these discussions in your classroom, how do you think you would handle them?


  • Have you had discussions about creation and evolution in your classroom? If so, how did those go? Is there anything you would do differently? If you have not had these discussions in your classroom, how do you think you would handle them?

    Deleted User replied 4 months, 1 week ago 106 Members · 105 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/04/2024 at 11:07

    I have not had to have these type of discussions, but if I did, I would start with Genesis and explain God’s creation.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/25/2024 at 20:20

    I have not had this discussion before. However, I work in a Christian school and I think students will be able to see that creation is the truth and evolution is not.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/25/2024 at 09:49

    Yes, I have had the conversations about creation and evolution in my classroom. I present both as theories and I make it obvious which theory I believe in. The discussions went well. The students asked good questions and we were able to have honest discussions about them.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/24/2024 at 01:52

    Yes as a science teacher we teach an entire unit on evolution and discuss it in detail. We always start with God the creator but that God used the mechanism of evolution in order to do His creating. As Dr Black said there are many different ideas on the HOW of creation and those I leave for students to research and discover which one that they feel comfortable with and align with. We discuss young earth creationism, progressive creationism and evolutionary creationism as the main big ideas, along with other smaller ones such as Intelligent Design. In the end, I leave things open-ended so students can discover for themselves.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/20/2024 at 16:26

    I have not personally had any conversations about creation and evolution. I believe that I would start by saying science helps us learn more about God and His creation. Creation is the beginning of all things and through science evolution can be talked about to see how the world sees the world coming together.

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