Have you sought to exchange your own human effort for divine strength? What happened? - Discussion Forum - Our Daily Bread University

Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Have you sought to exchange your own human effort for divine strength? What happened?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/29/2023 at 08:39

    I have reached out to God often to replace my weak human abilities with His supernatural strength in many situations. I have found that it can be life changing. For instance, reading the Word never really was impactful to me until I became serious in praying for the Lord to speak to me, give me insight, and seek to understand His Word.

    It is a constant battle for me to remember to drop my own will, to humble myself, and to ask God into the situations in my life. That is my pursuit, to ask God into more of my life, to have the Spirit work through me, and to minimize more and more my sinful nature. John 3:30 is a powerful verse for me and I feel that it speaks to this point.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/19/2023 at 12:14

    Yes! There have been several times I’ve had to ask God for the strength to continue running or for the ability to speak in front of larger groups. Instead of relying on my human effort or athletic abilities, the Lord has humbled me and shown me His divine strength is so much better than anything I could ever try to do on my own.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/17/2023 at 21:41

    I have sought to exchange my human strength for divine strength. When i have done this I have found that God gives me peace. I realize and know not everything is meant for me to carry. God is ready and willing to carry my load but it requires that I let him. I found peace and rest in exchanging my strength for that of Gods.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/15/2023 at 13:23

    I often ask God for the strength to get through situations…and here I am!

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/14/2023 at 13:47

    I do this in other areas of my life, but I have not done this in regard to Bible study. I did relate to the idea of showing up for my Bible study time when not quite in the mood, and I have asked God’s help to quiet my mind and focus on Him, but I have not thought of it in the context of exchanging His divine strength for my human strength. I really liked this idea and will definitely use it in the future.

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