Have you sought to exchange your own human effort for divine strength? What happened? - Discussion Forum - Our Daily Bread University

Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Have you sought to exchange your own human effort for divine strength? What happened?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    10/05/2023 at 13:27

    Getting through health trials was when I relied on God’s strength the most. I tend to do this in trials, but continue to pray and allow God to provide divine strength all the time.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    09/25/2023 at 20:44

    I have recently fallen in love with the word “abide.” I am learning to slow down and just be in God’s presence to grow more like him instead of trying to white knuckle my whole life!

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    09/21/2023 at 13:10

    This is a work in progress for me, is submitting to God’s will and allowing Him to lead me.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    09/21/2023 at 10:30

    This is something that I need to be reminded of, and I am grateful because God used this platform to teach me. Often times, I didn’t get to be specific to God, but with the prayer guide I learned in this lesson, I was able to express more to God about what I feel today, and I specifically asked Him to exchange what I have for His divine energy. This is also what I thought when I decided to access this platform right now, regardless of my current emotions and situation.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    09/19/2023 at 22:07

    I ask for God’s for strength only when I get tired. God’s yoke is much better. Things go better when I turn this over to Him.

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