Have you sought to exchange your own human effort for divine strength? What happened? - Discussion Forum - Our Daily Bread University

Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Have you sought to exchange your own human effort for divine strength? What happened?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/12/2022 at 13:54

    When I have given God the space to change my desires, I am always blown away by the result. God’s strength in our lives will always outlast our own.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/08/2022 at 17:19

    I have often sought to exchange my own strength and human effort for God’s divine strength. It has often worked when I have needed to forgive someone or getting through and over traumatic experiences. However, it has never seemed to work when I have tried pursuing the spiritual disciplines of Bible study and prayer.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/06/2022 at 22:59

    Yes, I have. though I didn’t think of it in those terms. Just earlier today, I was in a funky mood and didn’t know why! I turned my attention to Scripture and then prayed. Here I am refocused on this lesson. Thank you Abba,Father!

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/05/2022 at 16:13

    Truthfully, I cannot remember a time in which I communicated with God exactly as the student did in the story, but I do recall the time in which I finally recognized my need to be saved and realized I could not do that on my own and opted to trust that Jesus’ death and resurrection is sufficient and mighty to save.

    That said, I am inspired by the story, and intend to approach God with the same level of humility as that student the next time I “don’t feel up for” spending time with God.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/31/2022 at 07:17

    Yes there were times I did not feel like praying or reading His word as I had competing priorities. Then I asked Him to help me to give the strength to do it. I was planning to wake up early to seek His face but the winter weather was cold I would like to sleep in. I called on him to help, he woke me up at the right time and I enjoyed a sweet communion with Him. Another incident, I try to recall memory verses, I got stuck on some verses and just could not recall the words. So I prayed to Him and sought His help wholeheartedly to recall them. He did it miraculously by enable me to recall the exact word which I had no idea. The word just popped into my mind and I praise the Lord for this right timing and correct word. The Bible said you shall seek me and when you seek me with all your heart and I will be found of you. I can testified that He always step in to help me to recall after a while.All Praise and glory be unto Him.

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