Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum How did the principle of two-way communication (prayer and Bible reading) impress you? Why?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    12/14/2021 at 00:35

    I think prayer postures the heart for us to receive Gods word fully or more in depth.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    12/03/2021 at 07:18

    It was helpful to be reminded that this is a real living relationship, so praying back the word, asking Him clarifying questions on what He has said brings this to life. I must be intentional.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    11/27/2021 at 09:30

    It impresses me because when we think about having access to the creator of the universe it blows me away…the shear audacity that we can approach His throne of grace with confidence is miraculous and overwhelming…haveing two way communication with our heavenly father is the greatest gift we could be given

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    11/23/2021 at 12:15

    Bible reading is God speaking to us, prayer is us speaking to God. Also a great reminder to be still and listen to God during prayer as well.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    11/22/2021 at 12:48

    I want to talk to God and I want Him to talk to me, especially during seasons of my life that are challenging. I must remember that God speaks to me through His word. Therefore I must seek Him there.

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