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Tagged: CE201-02
How do the concepts discussed in this lesson apply to your work in your classroom?
Deleted User replied 4 months, 1 week ago 259 Members · 259 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User05/31/2023 at 09:05I teach upper level Spanish. In my course my students and I do devotions in Spanish. I share cultural lessons; I always make sure they know how blessed they are to live in the United States. I have realized that most of my students do not know about things that happen outside the US. i
Deleted User
Deleted User05/28/2023 at 16:12As educators, we have a unique opportunity to mold and shape individuals. The questions of who am I and where did I come from, etc, are not new questions. These are questions that drive many subjects, including in the areas of Classical literature. I have to make sure that the very core of anything I teach to make sure I direct it back to the Biblical view. Perhaps through learning about certain characters, the students themselves gain a better understanding of themselves.
Deleted User
Deleted User05/28/2023 at 15:14A biblical worldview of education keeps the importance and humanity of the student in the forefront of the teacher-student relationship. It answers the big questions: who am I?; why am I here?; where am I going?. No matter what age, these questions are relevant. As an English teacher, and now college professor, I deal with these themes in both literature and life. As the lecturer states, a Christian philosophy of education provides an anchor–and a hope–in tackling the many issues that all teachers encounter regularly: student motivation, work completion, classroom management, engagement, etc. The concepts of the lesson speak to the “why” of education that undergirds all of my planning and teaching.
Deleted User
Deleted User05/27/2023 at 19:12The concepts discussed in this lesson apply to my work in the classroom because all life comes from God and we can understand all life based on a Biblical worldview. As we live as Christians, we hold the knowledge and truth of God’s word and we understand life based on those truths. The big questions in life such as “Who am I?” “What is my purpose?” “Why does the world exists?” etc. can and must be answered through a Biblical worldview. That means, all subjects that I teach to my 4th graders must be and can be viewed in light of a Biblical worldview. I can teach all my children who they are in Christ and what that means for their lives. I can teach them that God created everything and through him we can attempt to understand every subject we choose to study. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth by His Word. His Word will not fail us. His Word, Christ Jesus has redeemed our souls. We can understand everything that goes on in this world as a piece of God’s creation that has been affected by the Fall but is being redeemed and will one day be made perfect again when Christ returns.
Deleted User
Deleted User05/25/2023 at 10:38The idea of reminding myself and my students that each are a creation of God, and that each have a soul, makes me more aware of my responsibility to teach way more than just subject content. The fate of my student’s eternal destination should weigh more heavily on my heart, than the grade they receive in my course.