Christian Learning Center › Forums › Discussion Forum › How do the concepts discussed in this lesson apply to your work in your classroom?
Tagged: CE201-02
How do the concepts discussed in this lesson apply to your work in your classroom?
Deleted User replied 4 months, 1 week ago 259 Members · 259 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User04/11/2023 at 21:44a. The concept of the big questions of life is very relevant to me as an educator because the children will benefit greatly from learning the answers to these questions from a Christian perspective. The world is ready to fill their minds with the wrong answers to these questions which will only bring confusion, loss of self asteem and hopelessness. The word of God is the absolute truth and gives us a solid foundation on which to stand and it gives hope, purpose and love. These three are essential to have a healthy life. Knowing who we are God’s creation made in His image for the purpose of knowing Him and loving him is our Identity. In a world that is confused about identity, now is the time to speak boldly and clearly to a generation that desperately needs to know God.
Deleted User
Deleted User04/10/2023 at 15:24It is a big responsibility. As a Christian Educator I must make sure I communicate to my students that their worth comes from God and what his word says. God has created each one of us with talents, with a purpose, and with the ability to know him. May we be faithful to God and focus on the things that last an eternity.
Deleted User
Deleted User04/06/2023 at 10:16They help me recognize the impact and importance I have as a Christian educator. My main priority is to instill the truth to my students about who God is and who He created all of us to be.
Deleted User
Deleted User03/16/2023 at 09:42This lesson applies to my work in the classroom because I want to be a teacher that shows each child that they have purpose and that God put them on the earth at this time and place for them to carry out His design for their life. I want my teaching to always point students to their true identity as a creation of God.
Deleted User
Deleted User03/10/2023 at 16:45The concepts that were discussed in this lesson apply to my work as a history teacher in the fact that I know my purpose on this earth is to teach other students about our lord. We teach students to love God and follow him in everything they do.