How do your answers to “the big questions of life” discussed in this lesson influence you in your role as an educator? - Discussion Forum - Our Daily Bread University

Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum How do your answers to “the big questions of life” discussed in this lesson influence you in your role as an educator?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/21/2021 at 18:27

    It influences me to be a better person and a better teacher because students are relying on me to give them the correct answers to their questions. It influences me to seek God more in prayer, that the Holy Spirit will lead me, teach me, and guide me, into all truth so that I can in turn teach children to become Christ centered human beings, loving God, and growing in the knowledge of Him.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/15/2021 at 13:48

    My purpose is to teach students about God and make them into disciples for Christ. I am created by God, for God. I must teach this to students as well so they can know who they are. God’s will for me is to teach his Word and lead my students to the knowledge of God so they will accept Christ as their savior.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/14/2021 at 12:31

    My answers to the “big questions of life” cause me to believe that I have a purpose, I have a reason to be where I am. It is not an accident or a ‘happenstance’. So, I embrace that belief and do my best to serve where I am.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/13/2021 at 10:52

    I am a child of God, and I know that I have been called to teach young children about God and hopefully lead them to Christ. My mission is to serve them in all ways possible.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/13/2021 at 10:20

    Many are the big questions that we asked ourselves in life, sometime is difficult to find an answers , but the faith and believe in God makes us strong and helps us through life everyday.
    To be an educator for me was a call from God. This was one of the big questions that I ever had in my life.
    My answer today is that I am very happy to serve His mission as a Christian teacher. and to serve my students
    to follow their path by follow Christ’s steps.

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