Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum How does Jesus teach us to go deeper in our asking when we pray?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/07/2022 at 21:35

    He gives us a model prayer, the Lord’s Prayer, which shows us how to ask God for a stronger relationship with him and for his blessings and protection in our lives. If you never knew anything else to pray, the Lord’s Prayer is all you need.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/05/2022 at 16:55

    ;My breaking down the Lord’s Prayer and understand that the first 3 are about God and the last 3 are about us. The whole prayer is to help stay kingdom minded.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/04/2022 at 23:38

    Jesus models how to go deeper in prayer through the Lord’s Prayer. In this prayer Jesus makes six requests. The first three are God-centered, and the last three are us-centered. Jesus prays First for God and His Kingdom: that God’s name be honored; that His work and reign prevail; and that His way be done in all things. Praying for God’s victory first is significant. It displays a heart that honors God and His will above all things. Secondly, Jesus prays for us: for the daily provision that feeds our body, soul, and spirit so that we thrive; for the forgiveness of our sins as well as the ability to graciously and generously forgive others; and for the power to walk by faith and not by the flesh. There is no mention of cars, and boats, and glory! Instead, Jesus models how to pray as a citizen of heaven, whose heart is to do the will of a heaven on earth.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/24/2022 at 06:51

    Jesus taught us the Lords Prayer, to recognize God and the His Kingdom with holy reverence first, then to ask for forgiveness as we forgive others- to save us from Satan.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/21/2022 at 14:33

    The Lord’s prayer is a model for us to follow. First, God wants us to acknowledge His holiness and pray all people would do the same. Secondly, we should want the advancement of His kingdom on earth. People would be brought into His kingdom by accepting Christ as their Savior. Thirdly, the will of God for mankind should be our desire. Fourthly, God wants us to ask for all our needs down to the most intimate details. Fifthly, we should seek God for His protection from evil. Sixthly, when we ask God for His forgiveness, it should cause us to search ourselves for those whom we need to forgive.

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