Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum How does your biblical worldview currently influence your role as a Christian educator?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/07/2021 at 13:37

    I am a child of God no matter what day, what place, or who I am with. As a child of God my Biblical worldview goes with me and flows out me. As I study Scripture and literature, my wisdom, knowledge, and understanding grows which I then pass along to my students.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/07/2021 at 10:13

    When I remember that all of my students are God’s creation despite any frustrating behavior they may exhibit, I will treat them with respect. I will view them as “clay” that God wants to mold in order to become more like Him. I am to work alongside Christ, helping my students to be sculpted into a beautiful piece of art. I am making disciples and therefore spreading the gospel through my students. I will remind them consistently that God wants to use them to make a difference in His kingdom.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/29/2021 at 14:23

    My biblical worldview influences my role as a Christian educator by helping me with patience and understanding of the issues that my students are dealing with as part of the secular world. There is so much confusion about the truth in society today and having the biblical foundation to rely on and portray to my students the truth about life and help them cope with the lies that are permeating society.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/28/2021 at 17:00

    My biblical worldview currently influences my role as a Christian educator through the work that God has given me as an author.
    I currently have a picture book published, Marvelous Work by Jena’ Lowry. This fall, I will have a chapter book series coming out which I am so excited about.
    God gave me the opportunity through writing books to teach children/youth how to apply the Word of God in the daily lives. How when we “apply” what we learn, there is a powerful outcome. Due to my husband having a stroke to his brainstem, I have been unable to return to the classroom. However, over the past few years, as my husband has been recovering and attending therapy, God opened the door for me to write and share truth through books. I pray that it influences readers by teaching them that they are created with purpose, and in God’s image. They hold the power of the Holy Spirit, and can do great things!

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/25/2021 at 10:09

    I believe I was called back to teaching. It requires a lot of personal sacrifice. More personal reflection than I have ever done and more praying than I have ever done. That being said, it is so necessary and so fitting that I need to continue cleaning up all corners of my house as I help my students do the same.

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