Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum How does your biblical worldview currently influence your role as a Christian educator?


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/23/2021 at 12:43

    My biblical worldview has much to do with my role as a Christian educator. What I believe about Christ and his Word come out daily for sure, but on some days hourly or minute by minute as we make it through a day. My biblical worldview makes me share Jesus with students , elevate his Word and require learners to memorize it regularly, and to trust that the children in my care have been placed there sovereignly by God for “such a time as this.” My biblical worldview helps me understand students also need opportunities to flesh out what they believe about Christ, the scripture, and about history. I need to know well what scripture teaches so I can correctly pass down those truths and produce students who also have a biblical worldview.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/22/2021 at 10:23

    It influences how I teach, how I correct, and how I communicate. It is a daily reminder that I am serving the Lord in my work. It gives me the ability and opportunity to share God’s word as it pertains to the things we see in our culture, in history, and in every subject area in the classroom. What a blessing it is to be able to openly talk about His sovereignty, His creations, and His Word in various lessons! While I am committed to helping students succeed academically, I know none of that matters if they don’t succeed spiritually…. So, it also influences me to always keep their salvation in mind. I truly want to prepare my students as they enter the world, and as a Christian, I cannot do that without God’s Word. I want to make sure they have a solid foundation built upon our “rock” Jesus Christ.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/21/2021 at 14:25

    I became a teacher because I followed the Lord on a journey to India as a missionary thinking I would be church planting. But my first year there I found a group of children who could not go to school, and so I taught them. From there I enrolled in seminary and teaching programs. I am not a teacher who is Christian. I am a Christian who is a teacher. My relationship with Christ is the reason I get up every morning and go to school, teach my students and build relationships with the families. My Christian worldview pushes me outside of my comfort zone, reaching to others for the sake of making Christ known to the nations.
    So as a Christian educator who love the Lord and wants to declare Him to others, I seek to be the best teacher I can for my students, their families, my school and the church.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/17/2021 at 15:05

    My biblical worldview greatly influences my role as a Christian educator. A healthy biblical worldview affects my role as an educator consciously and subconsciously since it should affect how I interact and view every aspect of my life. Practically speaking, my biblical worldview affects how I interact with my students and their families, how I take the time to develop the curriculum and how I implement it making sure that scripture is a part of every aspect. It affects how I interact with my fellow co-workers and how I value who they are and the contributions they make to the school I work at. Lastly, it influences me as a Christian educator because a biblical worldview informs me of how I care for and treat those around me.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/17/2021 at 10:46

    My Biblical worldview greatly influences the way I teach in my classroom. In every lesson we look at why we are learning that concept and how we can use it for God’s glory. The area I see the most curiosity in from my students is with Science and the Bible. Many times they come into my room with the mindset that Science is false and goes against the Bible. I use my Biblical worldview to teach them how many times science facts support the Bible’s claims, and that the Bible has stated many scientific facts way before scientists discovered it. They love incorporating these two ares of study. They are surprised to find out that with the proper Biblical worldview, you can be both a Christian and a scientist and that they don’t have to contradict each other. I tell my students to always check science facts using the Bible because science “facts” are always changing and developing, but the Bible is and has and will be true for many years.

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