Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Identify one or two practical ways you can help prepare your students for the struggles they’ll face in the world.


  • Identify one or two practical ways you can help prepare your students for the struggles they’ll face in the world.

    Deleted User replied 4 months ago 138 Members · 138 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    09/11/2024 at 01:21

    As a Christian teacher, I can help prepare my students for their struggles by teaching them to rely on their faith in God through prayer and Scripture, reminding them that they are never alone in their challenges.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    09/09/2024 at 12:57

    Continually point them to scriptures. Also, equip them with biblical resources they can turn to when faced with struggles.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    09/09/2024 at 01:47

    Show them to seek God through prayer. Prayer makes the difference

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/16/2024 at 02:39

    Teach biblical principals, encourage lifelong learning and faith growth

    • Deleted User

      Deleted User
      08/18/2024 at 20:17

      I can teach my students biblical truths and how to apply them to their lives.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    08/15/2024 at 17:45

    One way is with God’s word and another is by being a God led mentor.

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