Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Identify one or two practical ways you can help prepare your students for the struggles they’ll face in the world.


  • Identify one or two practical ways you can help prepare your students for the struggles they’ll face in the world.

    Deleted User replied 4 months ago 138 Members · 138 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/30/2021 at 15:36

    One simple way is to be honest and share stories of how Christian life is a struggle, but how God uses the struggles for his glory. I love to share stories about the heroes of the faith and people that have been martyred for their faith with my students. There is a great video series called Torchlighters that depicts these stories for students and introduces them to people that have walked difficult roads and sacrificed for the Lord in a way that is appropriate and easy for them to understand. We have great discussions about these people and the difference they made in the lives of others for the sake of Christ. I think it is also important to share personal stories of struggle and how the Lord has used them. Students relate to true stories, especially ones with people they actually know. If I can model before them how to handle those times they will have some idea of what their response should be. Having an open door and ear for them to always know they can talk to you about it and you will be there to help them would also be helpful. Finally I think making sure we are teaching them scripture is of utmost importance. Knowing the Word of God comes first so we can recall the Word when we are in need.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/28/2021 at 19:26

    Share true, personal stories with them and model how to overcome challenges. Also, don’t just give away the moral of the story and don’t always show yourself as an angel.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/28/2021 at 10:01

    I think preparing students for struggles they will face in the world is to be real in front of them and share the struggles that I have had. Being real in front of them may mean that I admit some sins that I have been forgiven and just let them know that I, and other faculty members are not perfect. We are living in a fallen world and the Christian life is not easy, but it is good.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/26/2021 at 17:42

    Theologically prepare them by showing them in Scripture that this world is a fallen place, and believers will have troubles in it.
    Assure them of God’s love and presence in their lives. Help them to search the Scriptures for themselves and see the answers to the Big Questions.
    Give them opportunities to navigate problems for themselves with guidance and care. This will give them a chance to develop their own spiritual muscles of trusting God when things do not go their way.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/21/2021 at 13:11

    One practical way I can help prepare my students for the struggles they will face in the world is to be appropriately honest with them and help them in their current struggles. Whether that be academic or personal. Creating relationships with students where you are encouraging but not enabling allows students to face small failures and struggles in life that will help them know how to face significant struggles in the future. This allows for reflection and to see how God has been working in their life.

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