Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Identify one or two practical ways you can help prepare your students for the struggles they’ll face in the world.


  • Identify one or two practical ways you can help prepare your students for the struggles they’ll face in the world.

    Deleted User replied 4 months ago 138 Members · 138 Replies
  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/01/2024 at 18:19

    We can encourage and practice with them ways to help them face these struggles. We can teach them to pray and go to Scripture to help guide them when they are dealing with struggles.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    07/01/2024 at 16:37

    Share my story with them and help them find guidance from scripture and prayer. It is my goal that it becomes automatic for my students to go to God before looking to any other recource.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/24/2024 at 16:08

    Be real with them. Answer their questions and share my story with them.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/24/2024 at 12:30

    When choosing literature, movies, articles, stories, news, history for the lessons, I make sure to select things that have valuable meaning as well as show the hardships of life and the challenges our current society struggles with. In this way, students discuss important issues and truths and learn the application of the Scriptures to these things.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    06/19/2024 at 16:06

    Scripture is rich in pointing out we will have trouble in this world. It is not a “prosperity Gospel,” but a Gospel of truth that we will have trials and tribulations. Scriptire also tells us that what will help in those times in our heart condition, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and God’s word. Integrated Scription at every and all opportunities is one of the ways I can help prepare my students for the struggles they will face in tyhe world. For example, in Philippians 4:12, Paul says that “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.” In v13, he tells us that secret; “I can do all things through Him who strgthens me.”

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