Identify one or two ways you can help prepare your students for attacks on their Christian faith. - Discussion Forum - Our Daily Bread University

Christian Learning Center Forums Discussion Forum Identify one or two ways you can help prepare your students for attacks on their Christian faith.


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    01/05/2023 at 20:58

    Allow students to frequently share how their Christian faith and relationship with the Lord affects their everyday living- this will help to cement the relevancy of the Scriptures and develop their personal testimonies which no attack can deny. As was mentioned expose them to current issues that are in contrast to the Christian worldview and let them do comparative studies utilizing the Word as the anchor.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    12/30/2022 at 22:05

    It’s more than just memorizing arguments to confront those who would attack us.

    First, we must pray for those who persecute us, even if it is a prayer as brief as, “Jesus help me,” when they might find themselves under attack.

    It’s also important for our students to understand the source of these attacks: spiritual warfare and the enemy is behind it.

    A thorough understanding of knowing why you believe is essential, not just it’s how I was brought up. Defending the faith also requires a handful of key verses committed to memory. Ravi Zachariah is perhaps one of the most outstanding apologists and is worth reading and listening to.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    12/26/2022 at 23:04

    Share current events that attack the faith. Use Scripture to show why those events are outside the will of God and encourage them to state how they should respond to those events.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    12/22/2022 at 15:00

    I have my students memorize Scripture every week. It is a way we can have God’s word at the ready all the time. Help your students talk about world view problems and give a Bibical worldview to answer those questions.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    11/25/2022 at 16:39

    By relating each curriculum topic back to its source- God- we will be able to instruct and prepare our students, causing our future leaders to influence their culture and generation they are assigned to reach.

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